VII - Joyful first night

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Anna's POV

The train finally stopped and we all got down, some more excited to see Hogwarts than others. Blaise and Pansy grew more tense the closer we got to the school, while Theo bumped his leg up and down as we waited. Neville and Luna seemed to be the most excited, Nev delighted to get to learn more with his new wand. 

We finally got down and Pansy let go of my hand, giving me a small smile as she went to her table with Theo and Blaise. Luna waved at Nev and me before going to sit close to Cho at her table, without interacting with her. I walked over to the Gryffindor table and sat in front of Seamus.

"Where's Dean?" I asked.

"Sitting with Weasley," he answered with distate as he glared to where Dean sat with Ginny.


"Didn't you hear? They're dating now," he said with poison in his voice. Shit.


"Yeah. Oh."

"I'm sorry, Seamus," Neville said kindly.

"Not your fault, is it? Unless you told them that they'd be the perfect  match. Best of the school!"

Thankfully, the first years came out at that moment, redirecting our attention from the heavy mood. I looked around the tables as they got sorted, mindlessly applauding whenever Neville was. I hid a grimace as I saw Ginny and Dean kiss. They would each look better with someone else.

"Nev, have you seen Harry?" I whispered.

"No, is he not there?"

I shook my head with a frown. What had my brother dearest gotten himself into again? I glanced to the Slytherin table, maybe Malfoy would have a look on his face or something. He just looked completely and utterly depressed. I could see Granger talking worriedly to Ron, probably about Harry too. So they didn't know where he was. 

Food appeared on the table and we ate while I kept looking back at the door in hopes of seeing my idiot brother come in. Lavender and Parvati had joined us after the sorting while Dean stayed with Ginny, close to Ron and Hermione. We were all trying to keep Seamus' focus off Dean. 

Finally, my brother came in and immediately rushed to Ron and Hermione's side, his face bloodied, though he looked generally fine. He didn't look in my direction so I decided to leave him be. 

"I welcome everyone here tonight!" Dumbledore spoke, arms spread wide and hand uncovered. He still had the injury from when he'd come to pick me up and see Slughorn. Whispers spread around the room as the students noticed it. They truly did not know how to be respectful.
"Nothing worrying," he assured before continuing. "Now. I welcome new students and the old ones. A new year of magic learning awaits you. Mr Filch, our janitor, as asked me to infrom that every item coming from Weasley's Wizard Wheezes are forbidden without exceptions. As usual, those wanting to tryout for their Quidditch team are to address it to their Head of house. We are also searching for commentators, for which the same steps are to be taken. We are happy to welcome a new teacher to our team, professor Slughorn."

The man got up to make it clear it was him. As if no one was smart enough to figure out he was the new face at the table. Except first years of course, they wouldn't know.

"Professor Slughorn is an old colleague of mine that accepted to retake his position as potion master."

Potion? I furrowed my eyebrows. I would've expected him to take the DADA position, Snape had- oh. Oh no.

"Professor Snape will be taking the Defense Against the Dark Arts classes." 

"No!" Harry exclaimed loudly from where he was sitting and fuck he was right! 

Can it be?  | Pansy ParkinsonWhere stories live. Discover now