It is an adverb that means truthfully. Some people said that they had and still have a genuine feelings towards you but they did not have an exact and genuine point of why they like you? what exactly attractive thing they found about you or in you which attracted them towards you? But they did not give a satisfactory answer, just a single line or a single word if it is genuine it punches the heart. Maybe many of you do not agree with my point of you that's the beauty of this app it is my thoughts or my perspective of getting things. I believe if I said I like to buy shoes or love to read then whenever anyone asked why I read I have thousands of ways and words to convince them most usable one-liner of mine is books made me sleep I cannot sleep until I read similarly when there is about shoe related cross questioning answering of mine is that I felt I had lack of confidence until I wore a nice pair of shoes. For me, people mesmerize by a few things a couple of times that they cannot express in words but in reality, express feeling before the moment passed.