chapter 4- One night stay at the Florida hotel

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   When they got off the the plane they all got off. Made sure everyone was there. Then they headed towards the baggage claim area to get their stuff.
" This part may take a while.We have a lot of bags and people. " Luke said to everyone, so this way everyone will be patient about the wait.

He knew by this time everyone was tired and just wanted to go to the hotel already.
" Hope we can get cabs for everyone soon as we are done here. Hate waiting so long as it is for the bags. " Kat replied
" We will have to wait and see what goes one once we are all done here. Sorry it's taking so long. Once it's done we can finally do what we want. " He said
" That's so true. " Hunter agreed

    When all of them got their bags it was 5:45am. They started to head out the door so they could finally get the cabs. When they did get out there they saw four cabs lined up. All of the guys ran over fast as they could to make sure they were not taken by anyone. And by golly they all were free. They all got there stuff packed in and followed each other to the " Comfort inn " hotel. This is the best hotel to stay at cause they will be able to see the cruise ships from there.

    They all arrived at the hotel at 6am. Hunter and Luke paid the cab drives and got their stuff and went inside to get the rooms. Luke and Hunter had to go up to the desk and check in since it was in both of their names.
" Hi! how can I help you today?" the man at the desk said.
" We are here to check in. " Luke said
" What's the reservations under?" the Man asked
" Hunter Hayes and Luke Bryan." Hunter replied
" Ok. I'll look them up right now. ill check and see. Yep, right here. You each have 2 rooms a piece. So, here are your room keys to check in." he said as he handed them there keys.
" Thanks." Hunter told the man at the desk.
   When they got done at the desk they walked back over to everyone.
" Here is everyones room key. They are all on the same floor which is good. " Luke told everyone.

   They were all glad of this. No going up and down looking for anyone when they needed someone. ( rooms 101, 102, 103, and 104.)With that they all went to their rooms to sleep for a little bit.

    Around, 10am they all finally got up and got ready to have lunch together at the hotel restaurant that was there. This place was suppose to be good to eat at. So,they ended up down at the restaurant to meet.
" So, how does everyone like the room they are in? " Luke asked
" The room is nice since we are only here for one night only." Mrs. Bryan replied.
" That's good to here. Glad you like it." Luke said
" At least it ain't a dumpy place to stay at." Mr. hunter said.
"I assure you you wouldn't stay in a dump. I wouldn't do that to anyone." Luke told everyone

     With that they went to sit down and get ready to order , so they could eat.The waiter came over and took there drink order first ,so they had time to look at the menu. The waiter finally came back with all the drinks and passed them around. Then they placed the food order.
" So, when everyone gets done eating would you like to meet down at the pool to hang out for a little while?'' kat asked
" Sure, sounds like a plan." Hunter said
" Yeah,it's a plan." Mr. Bryan replied back

    So, this was a good plan when they do get done here at the restaurant. The waiter did bring them their food back with in a half hour. which was good cause of how many people they had in there group.They ate and talk for a little bit. When they got done it was 1pm. The waiter brought the two bills over. Luke's bill was like $100 and so was Hunter's. They were not gonna eat there again. So, they paid and left. This was an expensive hotel. Later they will order from somewhere and it won't cost them that much.

   When everyone was done eating they went to their rooms to get ready to go to the pool area. This way everyone can get to know each other some before the cruise takes off.

text time:
Kat: hope this trip is good for everyone.
Megan: I hope so,too.
we need this.
kat: Ya, we do. the guys need to get to know the parents.
Megan: yes they do.
hope my parents love Hunter.
Kat: they will love him.
trust me. I know mine will love Luke. he's a sweet person.
Megan: thanks for reensuring me of this.
Kat: no, problem.
see u down by the pool.
Megan: okay
see u then

  Soon as they got done they finished getting everything ready to go down to the pool. They checked in with the parents to see if they were ready to go down to the pool Area to have a good time. When everyone finally got ready they all headed down to the pool. This pool area looked so nice. It had a spa and pool. The girls laid out in the sun. They wanna try and get tan some. The guys go swimming and the parents go in the hot tub. They all were having a good time since it was just a hotel. At 8 pm. they went to the rooms and ordered dinner ,so that way they could head to bed soon. They have to get up and be on the cruise by 5pm.

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