1. 10 years & counting (A)- IPK anniversary June21

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A/N - happy 10 years of IPKKND and wish many happy returns 🤗 this was my first attempt at ArShi, so please leave your reviews to let me know if you liked it.

10 years and counting...

He looked at the screen of his phone which was blinking and flashing a reminder. "7 days to go" it read. It was not a reminder of any upcoming business meet nor any event which he was invited to attend but it was something personal. A change that happened with the mighty ASR over last decade, he now gave utmost importance to the events in his personal life as much as to his professional life, if not more. All thanks to a lady who walked into his life exactly a decade ago! 10 years since meeting her first, 9 years since being blissfully married to her and having 3 kids together, he still felt like he had met her just yesterday. That was the charisma of his lady love, his wife and his better-nay-best half, Mrs. Khushi Kumari Gupta Singh Raizada! Uttering it, her name woven together with his, gave him some sort of high, every single freaking time! So over the years, he had made this habit of marking the calendar for all important dates all year around. After missing out on initial 3 wedding anniversaries, he swore not to give Her Highness any chance to complain. So he make calendar entries of ALL their special days, except her birthday and his babies' birthdays of course. He would NEVER forget those days until his dying breath and wont ever need a reminder for those 3 dates! And the upcoming event was, 10th anniversary when his life was blessed with 'Khushi', when someone up in the skies blessed him with her, for God-knows-what good deed he did to deserve her!

He still remembered their 3rd wedding anniversary, 28th September 2015! The day when he dared to forget his wedding anniversary, again. But the way that evening turned out to be, he still gets goosebumps remembering it. An intimate celebration between just the two of them followed by Khushi's confession that they indeed were going to have a baby soon, as Akash had hinted earlier. Apparently, Khushi had confided in her jiji when she missed her period and that led to Payal and Akash knowing about their 'good news' even before she told him. That was not a big deal though, as much as getting pregnant just a month after deciding to try to conceive was. They had decided to start trying for a baby, but he thought it will take a while before that actually happened. After all they recently went off the contraceptives. But apparently, they were 'very good' at 'trying'.

Their first born, their son, Kavish was born on one rainy morning in June 2016. Just like the monsoon season, which brings with it unlimited joy, their son did bring with him happiness in abundance. He was one happy child, he still is! At tender age of 5, his 5th birthday being 2 weeks from today, another event for which he did not need a calendar reminder ever, his son was a very understanding little person one could ever meet. And credit goes to their joint family for that. When Kavish was born, the Raizada house was already abuzz with giggles and wailings of Payal and Akash's 6-month-old daughter, Piya. But Kavish Singh Raizada has his own charm! No wonder the media was crazy about their eldest! That was until his twin daughters arrived to give a tough competition to their 'bhaiyya'!

Arnav still chuckles remembering the days prior to Kavish's naming ceremony. So as per tradition, Anjali, being baby's aunt was supposed to choose a name. But Anjali had asked them if they had any name in mind and she would just announce the same. Khushi was already calling him 'chikku', a fruit she craved during her pregnancy and ate in abundant, surging her sugar levels dangerously high, while his nani and Khushi's buaji were calling his son 'laddu gopal'. Only he was the one who did not have a nickname for the little guy yet. So, coming to have a real name, they were certain that they did not want anything that started with an A, since having another ASR was not something they fancied that time. Arnav had a name in mind but that was for a baby girl, for he was certain they were having a girl. But 'mr. happy face' proved him wrong and certainly could not be named Kavya as Arnav thought! He had chosen that name because it had K for Khushi and A for Arnav! But obviously that name was redundant now. So, after a few brainstorming sessions Anjali finally came up with a perfect name, Kavish! It also had K for Khushi, A for Arnav and wish/vish which made it Kavish, and it had a nice meaning too – 'king of poets'!

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