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My face felt hot in the sun. The waves crashing onto my toes. Suds being left along the shoreline. Families in bright-colored bathing suits walking and swimming, enraptured by the beauty of the sea. Kids laughing while smashing sandcastles. Surfboards posted in the sand after a long surf session. Such ease to life I wish I had.

"Malia!" I turned around to see my little brother in blue board shorts running towards me. His dirty blonde hair disheveled by the wind. Worry etched onto his face.

"You know you can't be out here without someone around. Mom will kill you. Thankfully I found you before she got home." He pulls me away from the waters. My soul remaining there. 

"Well, I wanted fresh air by myself for once. I feel fine. She always over exaggerates." I gasp with a roll of my eyes.

He grabs my arm as we walk towards the boardwalk, almost half a mile away. I could feel the sun radiating onto me. I am grateful to have bronzed and beautiful skin from my father's side. My grandfather originates from Puerto Rico. He always told me that my skin was something to be proud of and it has been. 

A blonde-haired girl adjourned in a pink polka dot bikini with a red solo cup in hand rushes by us almost knocking me over, screaming for her friends to wait for her.

"An excuse me would be nice!" Maverick shouts with his back turned to me. 

"It's fine Mav. They are just living their life."

"It was rude. They could have hurt you. God forbid if you fell, what if you fell on your PICC line?" He explained, the crease in his brow getting more pronounced. A PICC line is a central catheter, it is a long tube that goes from my arm, the access site, to a major vein in my heart. It allows me to get IV antibiotics and other necessary medications to keep me alive. I have had more than I can count through my life. Each one I got, the more scarred my arms became. 

"But it didn't. I am perfectly okay. Let it go please." I reassure him.

We finally make it to the boardwalk only to be hit with an endless stream of people weaving in and out of each other, running, riding their bikes, going to Castaway Cove, or rushing to get to the beach.

Mav started to take on the bodyguard role as always and blocked me off as if I was the Queen. It included body checking anyone who came near me and politely asking individuals to move. Although, it sometimes resulted in shouting at those who ignored him or those who didn't care. He could be scary for a seventeen-year-old. As much as I loved how protective he was, he only brought more attention to me that I was not a fan of. 

He guided me through the crowd with my hand on his arm. Our house was thankfully only a street down from the Ocean City boardwalk. Since it was the middle of the day and we are on what is considered one of the most popular beach streets, the boardwalk seemed much longer and chaotic.

The hustle and bustle of the chatter of adults and screaming of kids made a headache form. The heat was getting to me. Sweat started to form on my forehead, black spots popping into my vision. Pain shot down my body. I was about to shut down as per usual. 

"Mav," I spoke weakly, gripping onto his arm harder. He didn't hear me and kept pushing through the crowd. I couldn't keep going. My body felt heavy and I knew what was about to come. I had to get to the house.

My hand covered in sweat, let go of Mav. The mahogany-darkened wood came closer and closer to my face. This was going to hurt. Blackness now evaded all I could see and nothing was going to break my fall.

"Malia!" was the last thing I heard before I felt rough hands grab me and pull me into their chiseled arms. I invited and accepted the darkness. My body for once felt truly at peace. 

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