Shapes of the Clouds

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Tempest sat at the table eating some FutureMan french fries in the Twitch Cafe. He had pushed his mask up enough to where his identity was still hidden, but he could put some food in his mouth. He took a long sip of his cola before looking at the red haired boy who wanted to be Royal's sidekick.

"Royal told me that you were his new sidekick. He asked that I give you some advice. My question to you is: do you want practical and technical advice, or more of the mushy kind? Do you want me to make you a better fighter or feel better at night? I can do both cause I'm a Big Man, but we should settle for what you want," Tempest said as the silence stretched. They had been sitting there for at least ten minutes with neither talking. Tempest had finally had enough.

Fundy seemed at a loss for words, but he snapped back into reality at the words. "Practical. I- I want to be a good sidekick for Royal. All I've heard from people is that you are the best of the best."

"I'm a loyal dog. Nothing more or less," Tempest replied. It would have been modest if it didn't sound so self disregarding. Tempest leaned back as he tapped his hands against the table. "Remember to train in all areas. Be at least ordinary at everything. Be versatile for any situation. You should have more than one skill that you are incredibly good at. Take everything that you show even an ounce of talent in, and absolutely fucking run with it."

"What skills do you think are the most important?" Fundy asked with enraptured attention. His curiosity about Tempest never faded from their first interaction. Even more, Fundy had been worried whenever XD said that Tempest would be doing a special mission for a little while. Fundy had been twice as worried when he learned of what Dream was doing.

"Academics. Stuff like math and reading- while incredibly boring- can help in a lot of situations. Psychology couldn't hurt if you think you're up for it. To understand and manipulate an enemy is the easiest way of taking them down if you aren't strong, fast, or agile," Tempest explained. "Above all, physical aptitude. Most villains can't be reasoned with. They either have a compelling motive, a personal vendetta, or have gone berserk. You need to keep up with them."

Fundy nodded as he tried thinking of what he knew, and what he could improve on. Tempest gave him a minute before continuing. "Another thing, while you should never, ever rely on your powers alone, it would be best to push them to their absolute limit. Make yourself as powerful as you can be."

"What if you can't? What if I do all that, and I'm as weak as I am now?" Fundy asked. He didn't consider himself all that weak, but Fundy knew that he would he defeated easily by the likes of many heroes. Tempest right now could send Fundy to Spawn before he could blink.

"Appear weak when you are strong, and strong when you are weak," Tempest quoted softly. Fundy's eyes shot up. He heard that phrase before. It was from that book Techno liked... what was it... Tempest gave a wry smile as he answered Fundy's unasked question. "The Art of War."

"That was it!" Fundy said. That was Techno's favorite book, and he read it during his free time to the point he could probably quote the book word for word. Fundy had picked up a few paraphrases here and there, but it seemed Tempest knew some of it.

"Speaking of the Art of War, another piece of advice is to use your brain. To strategize and think is a gift greater than we can imagine," Tempest explained as he tapped once against Fundy's forehead. Tempest slid from the booth, dropping a five dollar bill on the table. Tempest gazed down at Fundy for one last second. The fox hybrid held his breath as he felt Tempest's eyes peer into him.

Tempest leaned down before whispering something softly, staring Fundy straight in the eyes as he did it. Fundy's face went pale as paper as he watched Tempest pull his mask back into place, leaving the establishment. Fundy nearly choked on his spit as he tried to control his breathing. There was absolutely no way in hell.

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