Corrupted Chapter: Pet Project

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Babies are born into the world crying. There first moments of air are spent wailing at the world. They spend the precious moments of life they are given to scream as if they were being taken out of the world.

Theseus didn't. He came into the world whimpering, but his face looked more like he was giggling. His mother stared at him with a red face and sweaty brow. She took him into her arms as soon as he was out. Nobody was there to clean him. It was the mother and another women who volunteered to help. The mother didn't smile or frown at her new child. She stared at him with almost empty eyes.

Theseus's residence was Cell C418. His mother had lived there her entire life, as had her mother and her mother's father. Theseus was taught from a young age that this place wasn't his home. The bed in the corner separated from the rest of the cell by a white curtain was not his bedroom. His mother, Clara, told Theseus that it was all temporary.

Theseus didn't go to school. He spent his youth playing games in the courtyard, and helping Clara scam the elites. He had honed the skills sleight of hand and thievery. Theseus had a rough, undisciplined way of fighting that kept him safe from bullies and creeps.

Theseus learned on his fifth birthday one important fact: he wasn't entirely human. Clara had sat him down in his 'bedroom' while explaining to Theseus what he was. She called him a homunculus, a test tube baby. Clara explained that she took the DNA of Theseus's father, and modified it to have all the traits she wanted it to. Clara implanted herself with the DNA to produce Theseus. Upon his birth, Clara performed a few more experiments to heighten Theseus's physical capabilities. While she was testing, Clara found a way to unlock Theseus's dormant abilities.

Most people would never find their powers in their lifetime, but Clara could cheat the system by activating the gene in Theseus. She enhanced the gene as much as she could when she learned of its location. Theseus now had the ability to control gravity. He could make himself and other objects lightweight or significantly heavier. Clara taught Theseus all about his power, even before she taught him to talk or walk.

Theseus was told what his purpose was. Four generations ago, the worst criminals known to man were locked away in Pandora's Vault. The prison was in operation for two years before it was abandoned... with the prisoners still inside. The criminals escaped their cells, but they couldn't get out of the prison. They were reliant on the crate of goods that came once a month. Pandora's Vault became self-sustaining. A hierarchy was formed.

Clara wanted her freedom. She didn't want to be locked up for the crimes of her grandfather. She wanted to see the stars for herself instead of going by stories from the elders. Clara created Theseus as her ticket out. She trained him to become a tool. Clara and Theseus were partners, not mother and child. Theseus never experienced love or affection. He learned trust and the value of loyalty.

On the day of their prison break, Theseus escaped. Clara was killed in the attempt. Theseus mourned her death, but he didn't let her sacrifice go to waste. Theseus explored the world around him. He found his way to the closest country, Mianite.

Within the walls of the Fortress of Fury, a Captain and his son lived relatively peaceful days. Jordon and his child, Tubbo, were the first people Theseus had ever treasured. He learned how parents should act by their example, and Theseus was able to identify the feeling in his heart towards the mother: resentment. She had brought him into the world for one purpose, her own selfish goal. She never cared about Theseus. She used him. Theseus was distraught to the point that he ran away from Jordon and Tubbo. He abandoned them both in the same way Clara abandoned him.

Theseus used his powers to get around. He managed to find his way into 2b2t. Theseus used his skills of survival he learned at Pandora's Vault to survive. That was when he met Dream. That's when the man reached his hand out towards Theseus, showing him a world of companionship where teammates could be family.

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