Pirate Adventure (Part 2)

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Narrator's POV

After their much more appetizing dinner, everyone soon went to bed since they all were very tired. Being in the middle of the ocean exhausts you a lot. Ghosty however stays up to keep the ship steady. She was in fact a ghost and does not require sleep.

The sounds of faint snores can be heard from the guys' room below as the ghost looked up at the stars. It has been a while since she saw this view. When she was still living, she remembered Budgey always had her and Zack sleep early so that they would have enough rest to continue on their adventures. After one adventure comes another. They rarely get the chance to just take a breath.

"So this is what it's like to slow things down," Ghosty whispers to herself. Her head resting on her arms and on the steering wheel. "How peaceful." She sighed. Her thoughts were cut off by a loud splash of a wave. Ghosty looked towards the direction where the sound came from. After staring it for a few moments she shrugged it off and turned her attention back to the stars above.


It was quiet down at the girls' cabin until something broke the silence. Sounds of light thuds can be heard around them. Bunny was woken up by the disturbing sounds, "What's that...noise?"

"It's probably just some fish bumping against the ship, Bunny," Zizzy muttered to her before burying her face into the pillow. "Go back to bed..."

Bunny hesitated before laying down again. Just as she was about to close her eyes, the ship got bumped hard. Knocking everything and everyone to the ground. The girls yelped as they crashed to the ground from their beds.

"What was that?" Mimi asked, sitting up and putting on her glasses. "I don't know," Zizzy said, rubbing her head. "I guess you were right about something," Zizzy turned to Bunny, helping her up. She reached for a lantern and walk towards the door, "Let's go check it out,"

Zizzy opened the door, looking around to see Ghosty looking over the sea. She seems to be looking for the source of making the ship rock. "What bumped the ship?!" Budgey yelled as he barged out from the guys' room. He looked frustrated and angry. "I don't know, captain. But whatever it was that bumped into us sounds big," Ghosty said, looking worried.

"It couldn't be some kind of sea monster, right...?" Girraffy asked nervously. "Don't be silly, sea monsters don't exist," Mimi said, waving her hand. Zack looked over the sea as he saw something moving in the waters. It was coming their way, fast.


The ship rocked again, this time was a lot harder than the one before. "What the heck does it want?!" Budgey yelled again. He made his way up to the steering wheel. He was gonna get them out of here before anyone on board gets hurt. But the ship wasn't moving. It felt as if it was being anchored down. He looked over to see their ships' anchor was there on the deck. "What the-"

Budgey suddenly heard screaming. He looked down and saw blue glowing tentacles coming up from both sides of the deck, slowly approaching his crew.

Zizzy jumped in front, pulling out her fencing sword. Pointing at the tentacles. Zack and Ghosty also had their swords pulled out. Ready for any attack. Bunny, Mimi, and Girraffy just stood behind them. Even though they have no weapons in hand, they still stay alert.

Budgey jumped down, joining beside Zizzy. "Got any idea what this thing is?" Zizzy asked, her eyes still locked on the tentacles. Budgey just shrugged, pulling out his own weapon. "No idea, lad."

One of the tentacles on Zack and Ghosty's side swooped down suddenly. "LOOK OUT!" Zack warned before diving out of the way. It knocked over some barrels, grabbing one in the process. On Zizzy and Budgey's side, the tentacles also did the same thing. "Do you think it's looking for something?" Mimi asked, suspecting its behavior. "Whatever it's looking for, it seems determined to find it," Zack replied. Just as he was distracted, one of the tentacles took the chance and grabbed his body, pulling him to the air.

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