Old Friends

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(If there are any errors like spellings, pls let me know) 

Enjoy! <3

Narrator's POV

"Officer Doggy, Y/N, my office please." The chief called as he walked back into his office. Y/N and Doggy exchanged looks before standing up and making their way towards the chief's office.

The door closed behind them with a click. Chief Owlhead opened up a file and start to speak, "We got some reports from a few stores that someone has been stealing their stuff for the past few months. Mostly food." He paused sitting back in his chair. "I'd like you two to go there to see check things out. Up for it?"

"Yeah! Sounds exciting! I-I mean, yes sir." Y/N coughed switching back to her formal state. "We'll be on our way, sir."


"What do you think, cadet? It's been around a year since our last duo detective work." Doggy asked as they set off towards their destination. They also had changed into their normal clothing so that the thieves won't know that they're officers. "It sounds pretty exciting!" Her mentor chuckled, "With the both of us on this, this case will be closed in no time."


They soon arrived at the alleyway that was reported for most of the robberies. Y/N and Doggy recognized the street since it was just a few blocks away from their 'escape route' a year ago, the local gallery. Even though it was a year ago, it still felt like the infection was just yesterday. 

But they didn't think much about it. They had a thief to catch. "Alright, you go to the right side, while I take the left," Doggy said. "Be careful," Y/N nodded and walked away.

Doggy walked along the streets, passing people left and right. It was pretty crowded today. Perfect place for a robbery. All he had to do now is wait. There are a few food stores around him and a pretty good view of it. 

He didn't have to wait long before he heard people yelling. He saw two people with black clothing from the crowd running away. Doggy immediately took action and start to chase after them. He didn't have any time to call for Y/N, but he figured he'd be fine on his own. 

Doggy then cased them into a dead-end that barely had any sunlight. One of the people jumped on top of the wooden fence trying to get away. "Hey! Stop!" Doggy yelled as he starts to walk closer. But stopped when he realized something. The other thief seems familiar to him. He glanced down at their tail. A wolf tail. 

"...Willow?" Doggy slowly asks as he squinted his eyes. Sure enough, it was her. Willow too looked closer at him and gasped. "Who's this?" Her raccoon partner whispered to her. Willow stayed quiet staring at Doggy, examinating him."Take things and go. I'll handle this." The raccoon known as Rash obeyed and climbed over the tall fence like he had done that a million times before.

Doggy saw that Rash was escaping as he ran over trying to stop him. But he was immediately stopped by Willow who stood firmly in front of him. She pulled down her black hood and start to slowly circle around him. "Finally decided to show up after disappearing from my life for years, huh Doggy? How were you, old friend?" She started coldly.

Doggy was about to arrest her, but Willow was his friend. He knows that she wasn't like this when they were young. He decided to keep his job a secret from her for now. Just to know why she started to steal.

Before Doggy could respond to Willow's question, she cuts him off by saying, "I bet your life is better than me." The officer was shocked at what she said. "...What happened to you, Willow?" The wolf thief scoffed, stuffing her hands into the pockets of her black hoodie. "It's a long story, pup. Talk it over at our old playdate area, hmm?" Willow suggested. "We could catch up and make up for lost time."

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