The dreaded funeral day has arrived; Grandma Lou friends arrived at her funeral and those who are known as family, like the head of the orphanage and the charity for single mothers. "Thanks for coming, Melissa," Emilyn said."I'm so sorry for your loss, I can think of how much Lou has helped us the past few years," Melissa said. "When we were on the verge of closing down, she helps us get back up again."
"I know, did you tell the kids?" Emilyn asked.
"Yes, I can't keep it from them. They will have to know, even though is hard." Melissa said. Emilyn let her mingle with the other guest and greet more people.
"Emilyn." Ana's parents came hugging her. "How are you holding up?" Ana's mum asked.
"I'm doing much better than a few days ago." She said with a small smile. "Ana and Finley have been with me the whole time."
"Come around any time, we don't mind some company." Ana's dad told her.
"I will." She nods, and Ana's parents head inside the venue.
"My family are here." Christopher came by her side.
"Hi." Pierce came with Jax and his wife, plus Christopher's mum, sister-in law's brothers.
"Thank you for coming," Emilyn told them.
"Come here, Emilyn." Christopher's mum hugs her. "Don't be sad, your grandma is in a beautiful place right now." They break away from the hug. Emilyn wiped her tears and nod. Christopher then leads them into the venue.
"Hey, Emilyn," Andrew said.
"Thanks for coming, Andrew."
"No problem, Taylor wanted to come too, but she got work to do. So here I am." He let out a small laugh.
"Is nice, that you are here." Emilyn hugs him. A cough broke their hug; Emilyn turned around to find Christopher standing behind her.
"The service is about to start, we should head in." He said. They made their way into the venue. The service started with the pastor and ended with speeches from Melissa, the head of the women's single mother program and last but not least, Emilyn.
After the service, everyone made their way to the burial ground. Everyone gather around the grave of grandma Lou. As Emilyn watched the casket being lowered to the ground, tears start to pour. She turned around and buried herself into Christopher's chest. She can't bear to see her grandma being lowered to the ground.
After the burial ceremony is finished, all the guests left, leaving Ana, Finley, Christopher and Emilyn. "We should go now," Ana suggested. "It looks like it is going to rain."
"You guys go ahead, I want to stay here for a while," Emilyn said softly. "I'm sure you have other things to take care of."
"I can stay with you as long as you want," Ana told her.
"No, I know you are a busy woman, go. I'll be fine." Emilyn told her.
"Call us, if you want to talk," Finley told her. Emilyn nods and both of them left.
"You should go too," Emilyn told Christopher. "I saw your phone ringing at the service and you kept checking it. If you have something important to take care of, you should go."
"Are you sure?" Christopher asked.
"yeah." She nod. "I'll be okay, I just want to stay here for a while."
"Alright, call me if you need a ride back. I'll arrange for Gabe to pick you up." Emilyn nods and Christopher left her by herself.

Mr.Billionaire Meets Ms.Clumsy
Romance"Watch where you're going!" A low voice shouted at me, looking at his stain shirt."Now, what I'm going to do? I have a race to go to." He grumbled. He took off his shirt in front of me. I am flustered. "What is going on?" I asked myself. Christopher...