Chapter 54

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"Pierce, give it to me." Emilyn jumped up to reach the cookies that Pierce just stole from her unexpectedly. "Come on, please." She begged.

"No, this is mine now." Pierce took a bite from it.

"Pierce Murphy, give it to me. That's mine." Pierce lift the cookies higher.

"If you want jump for it." He said

"I already am. What do you think I've been doing?" Emilyn crossed her arms and narrowed her eyes at Pierce.

"Alright, I'll make it easy for you." Pierce lowered the cookies slightly lower. Emilyn is determined to take back what is once hers. With determination, she jump as high as she can; she felt her fingers touch the cookies. Emilyn tried again; this time, she knows she can grab it.

Her hands are almost at the cookies, but Pierce last-minute move the cookies away, causing Emilyn to fall and hit the side of her waist on the side of the kitchen counter. "Oww," She rubbed her sides.

"Sh*t," Pierce said.

"I told you don't play, see what have you done." Jax scolds Pierce. "If there is a bruise on her, you are dead," Jax said. Emilyn lifts her shirt slightly, and a blue-black mark lies on her waist. "Oh, Pierce you are dead meat," Jax said.

"Oh no," Pierce said nervously. "I'm going to die," Pierce rubbed his hand down his face. "Now, I got to change my name and move to a different country." He cried.

"Pierce calms down," Emilyn said. "Is just a bruised."

"You don't know Christopher." Pierce shakes his head. "He specifically told us, to not let you get hurt in any kind of way. Not even a scratch."

"Come on you guys are just being paranoid." Emilyn let out a small laugh. "Is just a small bruise."

"No, Christopher is serious," Jax told her. "Before he left, he told us not a single scratch on you because he informs us on how clumsy you can be and hurt yourself while being clumsy."

"I'm going to die." Pierce repeatedly chant and paces around the kitchen in small circles.

"Pierce calm down, you are not going to die," Emilyn told him. "I'll just not mention the bruise to Christopher. He wouldn't know."

"Really?" Pierce stop pacing. "You would do that for me."

"Of course, anyways is just a small matter," Emilyn said. "Is just a small bruise, I have it all the time."

"Just make sure to stay away from Christopher," Jax said.

"Why?" Emilyn asked.

"I don't know if you realized this, but Christopher loves being touchy with you," Jax said.

"I know that." Emilyn chuckles.

"Good, so make sure to not let him touch you for now or else." Jax turns to look at Pierce and mimic a knife across his throat.

Pierce gulped and look worried."Don't worry Pierce, I promise you that Christopher won't kill you." Emilyn nod

"Alright, I put my life on you," Pierce said. "He is here, everyone acts normal," Pierce said as he heard the front door shut.

"That's what you call acting normal." Emilyn giggle. Pierce leaning on the counter with one arm supporting his head and another hand on his waist.

"What are you guys all doing here?" Christopher places the bag of burger shack on the table.

"Uhm...Emilyn was hungry. So we are trying to find some food for her." Jax said.

"Problem solved, I got lunch," Christopher announced.

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