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"No, Ana. For a million times, he didn't propose." Emilyn huff

"Really? I thought he would." Ana said through the phone. "It has been like five months since he brought it up."

"So?" Emilyn asked. "What if it doesn't happen? I'm in no rush to get married. Enough about me, what about you? How's married life?" Emilyn asked.

"Not much difference, but it is just that we are bound together forever. Ana told her. "Ana, let's get going." Emilyn heard Finley shouted in the background. "Coming," Ana shouted back. "I got to go; we got to head to the airport for our honeymoon." She sings the word.

"Alright, have fun and be safe," Emilyn told her before ending the call. Speaking of Christopher, Emilyn doesn't even know where he is. He disappears in the morning. Picking up the laundry basket and some loose socks Christopher always missed while throwing his laundry and forgetting to pick them up.

Emilyn carries the basket to the laundry room; while she was putting the laundry detergent into the machine, a hand wraps around her waist, which causes her to jolt and shriek.

Emilyn turns around and found the culprit; she slaps his arm around her waist and continues pouring the detergent. "I thought I've told you there's no need to do the laundry?" Christopher told her. "Martha will do it."

"I know, but you can't let Martha do all the housework." Emilyn presses the start button of the machine. "She is not getting any younger, plus she also has been taking care of your house for quite some years." Emilyn turns to face him. "I just want to help out, and I'm not used to someone doing my laundry."

"Alright, I'll let you do whatever you want to." Christopher smiles.

"That's right."

Before Emilyn can continue, Christopher's phone beeps; he took it out of his pocket and said, "Uhmm...I got to head out to do something."

"What? Didn't you just went out?" Emilyn asked.

"Yeah, but this is important," Christopher told her. "I'll be back soon," Christopher told her and kiss her on the forehead.

"Will you be back by dinner?" Emilyn asked.

"Yeah, probably," Christopher said. Emilyn frowned at his answer. "Alright, I got to go now." He cups her face and lifts it to capture her lips. "See you later," Christopher said and left.

Emilyn doesn't know why Christopher is so busy, but she put that thought aside for now and focuses on what she came to the pottery class for.

"Hey, Sophie." Emilyn greeted her and sat down next to her. Sophie is Emilyn's new friend/co-worker. After a month of torture from Savannah, she finally quit and found a new job.

No matter how much Christopher hates the fact that Emilyn is only 20 minutes away from his office, he still let her do what she loves, and seeing her happy is his main goal.

"Hey, Emilyn." Sophie greets her while placing a new clay on her pottery wheel. "Your previous work is complete; who are you giving it to? You made so many of them."

Emilyn turns and looks at the cups on the shelf; she smiles, "Those are for Christopher's family and his friends."

"Are you really giving one to his dad? Didn't you say that he dislikes you?" Sophie asked.

"Yeah," Emilyn fidget in her seat and clear her throat. "But, I got to let him like me somehow. Can't have him hating on me for life."

"Yeah, that's true." Sophie nods her head. "So, what is today's project for?" Sophie leans towards Emilyn.

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