"Emilynn!" Andrew came over to her desk singing her name."Yes, Andrew," Emilyn turned around in her chair with a smile. "What can I assist you with anything?"
"Are you free tonight? Let's go to a karaoke bar."
"Karaoke? Do I have to sing?" She asked. "You know I can't really sing and don't sing in public."
"Come on, Emilyn. I know you can sing. Andrew said. "And if you don't want to sing is fine, I won't force you."
I thought about it for a while, "Fine."
"Yes." He claps his hand.
"Where are you going? Can I come too?" Savannah said.
"Oh my god, where did you come from?" Andrew places his hand on his chest.
"I sat behind Emilyn." She said.
"Sorry I didn't see you there. But you can come, more the merrier."He said. "Come on ladies, pack your things. What are you waiting for?"
Emilyn shakes her head at Andrew and packs up her things. While packing up her things, her phone rang, "Hello." She answers. "Yeah, this is she." Emilyn listen to the person's voice as the person explains the details. Slowly, Emilyn smile, turn into a frown, and tears threatening to fall. "Okay, please do. Thank you." She ends the call.
"What's wrong? Who's was that?" Andrew asks noticing the change of mood.
"Sorry, I don't think I can make it." Emilyn turn around and gave him a forced smile. "I got to go, see you guys tomorrow. Have fun." She said and quickly left the office. Pressing the elevator button repetitively, the elevator finally came. She got in and tears start to trickle down her cheek non-stop.
Soon, the elevator stops on the ground floor. Emilynwipe away her tears and walk out with her head down. She can't go home. " How am I going to tell the news to grandma?" Emilyn thought. She saw the park across the street and decided to sit there until I know what she should do next.
Somewhere at the side, a familiar eye follows Emilyn as she makes her way to the park. He watches her and finds that something isn't right, so he follows her into the park. He spots her at the park bench with her head down. Slowly, he approaches her and sat down next to her. But she didn't notice anyone sitting right next to her.
"Lovely weather isn't it?" He said but Emilyn didn't answer. "So, why are you here?" He asked.
"I'm sorry, sir," Emilyn said without looking up. "Can you please sit somewhere else? I'm not in the talking mood right now."
"That's too bad, but I am." He said
Emilyn looks up at the stranger, "Christopher? What are you doing here?"
She finally looks up, "I saw you and decide to follow you. I felt that some things were not right." Christopher told her. "What's wrong?" He looks deeply into her eyes and saw red. He grabs her chin softly and asked, "What happen? Did someone do anything to you?"
"No." Emilyn turn away, making Christopher grip slip away from her chin.
"Emilyn, what's wrong," Christopher asked again but with a slight raise to his voice.
"I don't what to talk about it." She sigh. "If you want to sit here, please don't ask any more questions. If you still want to pester me, then please leave." Emilyn stares at her lap while swings her legs back and forth.
"Okay, I'll just accompany you here." But, receives no reply but saw a nod from her. "Do you want to play our game?" Emilyn shook her head no. "It will help to distract you from thinking whatever you are thinking now." Emilyn looks up at Christopher blankly and looks back down on her lap.

Mr.Billionaire Meets Ms.Clumsy
Romance"Watch where you're going!" A low voice shouted at me, looking at his stain shirt."Now, what I'm going to do? I have a race to go to." He grumbled. He took off his shirt in front of me. I am flustered. "What is going on?" I asked myself. Christopher...