The Day After

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'Sam! Wake up!'

Sams eyes flew open.

Wha what.... Who?

His head pounded. The sun poured into his room causing him to squint. He struggled to think. Sarah was still calling him.



He remembered.

Sitting beside Bucky. Talking to Bucky. Flirting with Bucky. Trying to...


Sam groaned and forced himself up. No no. Why. He had been more drunk then he thought.

Even though he would have done the same anyway if he was sober... if Bucky showed any sign of feeling the same way.


Uh. He'd go see what Sarah wanted. Sam jumped up walked out of his room, head spinning to find Sarah.


He walked down the stairs, feeling nervous. If Bucky was there he wouldn't know how to react. He reached the kitchen and paused.

'Sam get in here!'

This confused Sam. Sarah rarely kept calling for him for this long. Was something wrong?

He entered the kitchen.

Sarah stood there looking slightly... Panicked.

Oh no.

'Sarah what's wrong?'
'It's Bucky. He's vanished!

Now it was Sam's turn to look worried.

'What? What do you mean?'
'He's nowhere in the house. The kids and I also checked around the area and he's not anywhere!'

Sam paced up and down the kitchen. Was it... Was it Sam's fault? Where was Bucky? Was he OK? Had he left back to New York?

Had he left them?

'Sam! Can you go look for him? I know it's irrational to be worried but it's just, I got used to seeing him everyday and he never just disappears so....'
'Yeah I'll go look for him'

Sam knew it was his fault.

He shouldn't have tried to kiss Bucky.

He should have known he wasn't comfortable with it.

Damn it.

Sam rushed upstairs, changed his clothes, put his shoes on and left before anything could distract him from finding Bucky. He hoped he wasn't far.

He walked out to the driveway. The car was still there so he couldn't be far... But Bucky could have walked all the way back to New York if he wanted to... like he had done a few days ago. Sam quickened his pace.

'Bucky! Where are you?'

No reply.

He hadn't expected it.

Sam tried to relax. Bucky would be fine. Nothing to worry about.

Nothing at all.

*Time skip*

Sam had been searching for a few hours. He had walked around the town, talked to a few neighbours and called Bucky - shouting and calling his phone with no reply. He began thinking Bucky had gone home.

Well he hoped so.

As he walked past the boat on his way home he paused.

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