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They all make their way to an airport, Sam faces the other two, "So I guess this is where we part," Y/n smiles, "Just for now," Bucky nods at Sam, receiving a nod back. Y/n and Bucky watch Sam walk into the airport, after Sam is out of sight, Bucky thinks about Zemo, "Now we gotta find Zemo," Y/n sighs, "I know where he is."

. . .

"L/n, when you said you knew where he was and how to get to him, I didn't think you meant we had to steal a plane!"

Y/n rolled her eyes, "Barnes, there wasn't another way to get there, I wasn't going to carry both of us the whole way to Sokovia and technically, I'm a fugitive, so I can't really walk into a government transportation building."

They boarded the small aircraft and started it up, within an hour, they made it into the air, soaring above the clouds and around all aircraft registers.

The ride was silent and the awkward small talk was kept to a minimum. "Can we just get along," Y/n asked, she turned to face Bucky, but he didn't bat an eye, "Look, we're kind of stuck in this plane together until we land, so we might as well make the best of it."

Bucky sighed, still looking away, "Barnes, I hate fighting with someone who's supposed to be on the same side as me, I though we were already past this petty silence," Y/n waited for a minute to see if he would say something, but when he didn't she looked away, "Or you could just not talk to me, that works too."

Bucky wanted to say something to her, but he just couldn't find the words.

He sits in silence, thinking about everything they've been through together, first fighting for him against her own team,  recovery in Wakanda, then the battle with Thanos, being turned into dust and blowing away, watching her being taken away, breaking her out of Black Crow, Madripoor, Latvia, and now Sokovia.

Did he really hate her? Or was he just resisting the reality of his feelings.

He was scared.

James Buchanan Barnes, the White Wolf, a 106 year-old super soldier, was scared. Scared of himself, scared of his feelings, scared of love, scared of her.

The last time he loved, they left him, he couldn't handle more heartbreak, but he couldn't love her, right? I mean there were so many bad qualities she had, like her sarcasm, the way she teases him, the way she looks after him or cares for him when he's hurt...

He wanted to scream. He was falling in love with her.

But he can't feel like this, not now, they had more important things to think about at the moment. He looked over at her, seeing the light reflecting off her focused eyes, he shed a small smile, but quickly cleared his throat and turned away.

"How did you know he was going to be in Sokovia?"

"The memorial, back when were on the way to Madripoor, he asked us if we went to visit the monument. I did go back, the monument was built in honor of the lives lost in the Battle of Sokovia. His family was killed. I knew he would go back one last time before dying or being imprisoned."

Bucky nodded solemnly, Y/n coughed awkwardly, "We're here, we should land over there," she pointed to a small patch of grass. They landed the plane and walked off to find Bucky, the two made their way to the monument silently, occasionally brushing hands or shoulders. From a distance, Bucky saw Zemo admiring the monument, Bucky pulled out a gun and walked behind the man.

Without turning around Zemo sighed, "I thought you'd be here sooner. Don't worry. I've decided I'm not going to kill you. Imagine my relief."

Bucky cocks the gun, turning the safety off, Zemo turns to him, "The girl has been radicalized beyond salvation. I warned Sam, but he didn't listen to me. He's as stubborn as Steve Rogers before him. But you... They literally programmed you to kill. James, do what needs to be done. Karli has people everywhere, and there's only one way to make sure she cannot continue her mission."

Bucky deadpans him, "I appreciate the advice," he looks over to Y/n, who gives him a small smile, he turns back to Zemo, "But we're gonna do it our own way," Zemo chuckles, "Yeah. I was afraid you would say that."

Zemo looks back at the monument and then he looks straight at the barrel of Bucky's gun, a single tear rolls down his face and he nods, non-verbally telling Bucky, 'it's okay. Do what needs to be done.'

Bucky pulls the trigger and Y/n shuts her eyes. The gun clicks, not releasing any bullets, another tear falls down Zemo's face. Bucky pulls the trigger three more times, but nothing but a clicking noise happens. Zemo's eyes plead for death, but nothing happens, all he wants is to be reunited with his family. Bucky opens his hands and four bullets fall onto the ground.

Three women walk up behind Zemo and take him by the arms, Bucky moves out of the way, "Ladies..." They start guiding him to their ship, Zemo stops in the middle of the path and turns around to Bucky, "I took the liberty of crossing off my name in your book. I hold no grudges for what you thought you had to do. Goodbye, James," the Dora Milaje walks him into the ship.

Ayo walks up to Y/n and Bucky, "We will take him to the Raft...Where he will live out his days. It would be prudent to make yourself scarce in Wakanda for the time being, White Wolf, you too, Motus," they both nod, "Fair enough," Ayo leaves them, but Bucky calls out, "Hey! I may have another favor to ask of you," Ayo turns around, "Do you think we could catch a ride?"

With a nod of approval, the two walk to the ship, Y/n stays unusually quiet, "Hey," she looks up at him, "You okay?"

She shakes her head, "I just feel like everything that Zemo did was my fault. I mean, I was there during the Battle. Barnes, the Avengers were the ones to destroy his life. He came after you, he came after me, it's just all my fault."

Bucky stopped her from walking onto the ship, "No, it's not. What Zemo did to me was none of your fault. Zemo had a choice after the Battle and he chose to take the path of crime, his choice is not your fault," she nodded, "I suppose, but-"

"You need to forgive yourself, you need to let go," Y/n rolls her eyes, "Okay, Dr. Raynor," Bucky laughs and lightly punches her in the arm, "Shut up."

They board the aircraft and sit down across from each other, Ayo walks over, "Where to?" Y/n looks to Bucky then smiles, "New Orleans."


Here's just a short chapter for ya, Bucky finally realized his feelings, yay!! But don't worry, it's not over yet ;)

Also this scene in the show made me cry, when Zemo nodded at Bucky I literally broke

Anyways, more of Sam is in the next chapter and I finally mapped out and wrote the ending of the book and I'm excited to share it!!

Would you rather be an actress or a musician?

I would rather be an actress, literally my dream job but idk

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