Part 29

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    There were a lot of feelings going through Midoriya's head right now. He wasn't sure what to think. He knew he should believe Todoroki, but he didn't trust Momo to keep to herself. Midoriya glared down at his food and stabbed it with his fork. He got up from his chair pushing it back.
    "I need to go to the bathroom." Midoriya got up and pushed his chair back in harshly. He walked over to his room and slammed the door. Everyone in the room felt a wave of silence wash over them. No one really knew what had gotten into Midoriya, except for maybe Todoroki. He had the sneaking suspicion that he was jealous of Momo. Even if there was nothing to be jealous of.
    "I'll go check on him. As his friend, it's the least I could do." Todoroki got up and excused himself from the table. He made his way over to Midoriya's room and knocked a couple times. Of course, there was no answer. Todoroki knew he was in there though, so he just went in there without another thought.
    What Todoroki didn't expect was to see Midoriya in nothing but boxers in the middle of putting a shirt on. At first, Todoroki didn't know how to react or what to do. He just kind of stood there and stared. Midoriya on the other hand completely freaked. He tried to put his shirt on as quickly as he could.
   "T-todoroki?! Wh-what are you doing in here..?" Midoriya quickly got on his bed and covered himself up. He pushed the blanket over half of his face, trying to cover the growing blush on his face. Todoroki too had a bit of a blush on his face. He only came back to reality when Midoriya started getting into his bed to cover up. He looked down at the ground and pushed his hair back.
"Sorry. I didn't mean to barge in. I just wanted to make sure that you were okay." Todoroki got closer and sat on the end of the bed. He looked up at Midoriya who was still mainly covered by the blanket.
"It's ok... I-I know you didn't mean to." Midoriya lowered the blanket a little and sat up. He was starting to feel a little better, a little less flustered. Todoroki smiled slightly at Midoriya and moved up beside him. Midoriya hugged his legs to his chest as he looked at Todoroki. The memories from the day in the bathroom came flooding back.
Todoroki noticed how Midoriya's face started to get flushed again. Probably from the memories of their first kiss. Though, Todoroki just assumed it was from him walking in on him changing.
"I hope you know I'm not with Momo. Her and I are just friends." Todoroki brought his hand over to Midoriya's. He placed it gently over Midoriya's. He was a little caught off guard by Todoroki touching him, but he liked when he did.
"I-I believe you." Of course, Midoriya had trouble believing that at first, but with Todoroki so close to him it was hard to even think about not believing him. All he could think about at the moment was how soft Todoroki's skin was and how gently he placed it over his.
    "I don't want you to stress over this. I would never have eyes for anyone but you." Todoroki moved a bit closer, his face only inches away from Midoriya's. Now, Midoriya's breathing became a bit heavier. He knew what might happen, but he didn't know what to think of it.
    "I feel the same w-way..." Midoriya kept his eyes trained on Todoroki's. He didn't want to make the mistake of looking at his lips and making it obvious as to what he was thinking of. Todoroki on the other hand. He didn't care about making it obvious. He glanced down at Midoriya's lips then back at his eyes.
    After a minute of just looking at each other in silence and admiring the others looks, Todoroki decided to finally end this and move in for a kiss. Unfortunately, someone else had to come in and ruin the moment.
    The door came flying open and in the doorway was Hitoshi. He completely forgot to knock and accidentally walked in on a very important moment to both Midoriya and Todoroki. Of course, Midoriya wasn't too concerned since he liked Hitoshi and thought he was pretty nice. Todoroki though, he was pretty angry. He found it enraging that Hitoshi hadn't knocked and just ruined their second kiss.
   Midoriya quickly backed away from Todoroki, almost falling off the bed. Todoroki glared over at Hitoshi, hoping he understood just how mad he was about him interrupting. While all this was happening, Hitoshi just stood awkwardly in the doorway with an indifferent attitude.
    "We're having cake." With that, Hitoshi shut Midoriya's door and walked away. As soon as Midoriya's door was shut, a loud sigh could be heard from him. He turned to Todoroki and looked apologetically.
   "I'm really sorr-" Midoriya didn't even get to finish his sentence when Todoroki suddenly grabbed him by the waist and kissed him. He had been waiting to kiss Midoriya again ever since the bathroom. Of course, Midoriya didn't mind and just kissed him right back. He placed his hands on his chest and pulled his shirt closer to him.
    Once the two ran out of breathe, they pulled away and looked at each other. Todoroki looked away, embarrassed with his behavior. Although, he felt as though he needed to do that after he had just been interrupted by Hitoshi.
    "I want you to be my boyfriend." Todoroki ran his fingers through Midoriya's hair as he spoke. It was the first time he finally gained enough courage to ask. He was positive that he would say yes but there was always the lingering anxiety that he might say no.

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter!

~Total words 998~

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