Part 37

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   As soon as Midoriya heard that Todoroki would be expelled, his heart broke. He wouldn't be able to see him everyday at school or spend as much time with him as usual. The greenette quickly grabbed his phone to call Todoroki.
   After just two rings, the phone was answered by Shoto. "Hello?" Midoriya paced around the room as Shinsou ate his pocky, watching as the drama went down. "Shoto? What's going on? Are you okay?" Midoriya sat back down on the bed, feeling a little better now that Shoto had answered the phone.
   "I'm fine. I just left the principals office. I'm on my way home now." Shoto spoke as he walked through the halls of the school. "I heard you got expelled. Is that true?!" Midoriya was practically jumping in his seat as he waited for the answer. "No. I didn't get expelled. I just got suspended." Midoriya sighed out loud. He was happy to hear that Shoto hadn't been expelled.
    "Can I see you?" Midoriya got up from the bed and already started to get ready to see Shoto. He didn't care if he told him no, he'd go see him anyways. "I don't know Izuku.. usually I'd say yes, but I have to tell Enji that I got suspended. He's not going to be happy." Midoriya didn't really care about Shotos' father. He was going to see him either way.
   "That's fine. I'll be at your house in less than ten minutes." Midoriya hung up the phone without letting Todoroki get another word in. Of course, Shoto didn't really mind that Midoriya was coming over, but he did mind how his father might act. He was also kind of curious on how Midoriya got his address.
Shoto continued his walk home with a sigh. He wasn't looking forward to going back home. He already knew that there would be some sort of issue because he got suspended, but knowing his father, the issue would be blown out of proportion.

Of course, Shoto was right. His father had already gotten a call from the school about his suspension, so he was waiting for Todoroki on the living room couch. Shoto tried to ignore him and just run straight upstairs, but his father caught him. "SHOOOOTOOOO!" Shoto flinched and looked back down the staircase to his doom. He slowly went down the staircase and saw his father on the couch. His father stood up and made his way over to Shoto.


In a matter of seconds, Shoto was on the floor. Enji had punched him in the stomach and caused Shoto to double over and fall to his knees. Shoto started to cough a little, holding in the vomit in his throat. He knew he'd only get hit more if he threw up on the floor. Shoto coughed a little more and looked up at his father. "Not even a hello?" Shoto slowly stood back up and faced his father once again.
Enji grabbed Shoto by the hair with a snare. "I heard you got suspended. This won't look good in the future. You need to start thinking things through more. Now, go do your homework and get prepared for some extra work." Enji pushed Shoto away from him by the hair again. Shoto stumbled away and glared at his father. There was a lot he wanted to say, but he kept it to himself and went up to his room.

Abuse warning over

Izuku had been walking for a while. He texted Aizawa on his way to let him know he'd be out at Shoto's house. He didn't seem to care much as long as he was home before 10pm. Midoriya eventually made his way to Shoto's house and stood in front of the door. He only knew where Shoto lived because he practically stalked him at one point. At least it came in handy, since he really wanted to see him right now.
The house in front of him was large and gave off an intimidating aura. Midoriya instantly wanted to run away and go back home, but he wanted to make sure Todoroki was alright after getting suspended. With a sigh, he knocked on the door. After about a minute, Midoriya was about to just leave, but then someone answered the door. It was a girl with white hair with red tips.
"Hello, can I help you?" She smiled a little as she greeted Midoriya. He put his hands together and started to fiddle with his thumbs. "Um... yeah. I was wondering if Shoto was here?" Usually Midoriya wouldn't be nervous, but this was Shoto's family, so he was a little anxious.
"Oh, of course! Come on in. He should be up in his room!" She opened the door a little wider and stepped to the side. Midoriya stepped inside with a small smile and nod. "Thank you."
Walking in, Midoriya notice just how fancy and nice the place was. He was a bit amazed by it all and felt even more intimidated. After all, he was only wearing a sweatshirt and jeans. He felt a bit out of place in such a grand house.
"Follow me. I'll take you to Shoto's room." Shoto's sister gestured for Midoriya to follow her and she started to go up a big staircase. Midoriya followed after her as she started to talk again. "I'm Fuyumi by the way. I'm Shoto's older sister. I'm glad to know he has friends. He doesn't bring people by the house that often." They stopped in front of a house and she smiled again. "This is his room. Just knock and I'm sure he'll answer." Fuyumi waved as she made her way back downstairs.
Midoriya looked at the door then down at his feet. He started to feel nervous again. He didn't really know why. Mostly because he had never been inside Shoto's room before. Apparently he had been standing outside Shoto's room for too long since someone else came walking up to him.
"And who may you be, cutie?" The man had black hair and scars. Midoriya couldn't deny that he was attractive, but he only wanted Shoto. "I'm Shoto's friend. Who are you?"

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! Sorry it's taking me so long to update! I recently started working !! So, updates will be a bit slow from now on, but I will try my best!

~Total words 1071~

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