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Dear Mieczyslaw
Strange how the world works. I got a text from Jackson yesterday and it was very cryptic. Something about that Scott have a very interesting secret and asked if I knew about it. Isn't it weird, I haven't been friends with him since, I don't know, middle school or something. The fact that he haven't erased my number since the school project one year ago is also strange cause its Jackson we are talking about. Do you know this secret of Scott? All of us have secrets and I have a lot. But it seemed like a really dark secret or dangerous or something like that. The three of us never had secrets so I wonder what happened.
The adoption center called today, I actually e-mailed them, cause I was to scared to call first. But I left my number and they called. I'm going to the meeting next Wednesday at 3:15 pm if you would care to join. It's a few block from my new school and you know where my school is so. What I'm actually saying is I want you to be there cause I don't want to be alone, not right now. You are one of my best friends and this is nothing I can ask Layla to do. Not right now or ever. This is something I can't share with everyone. Take care

Sincerely Ginger

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