Twenty one

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Dear Mieczyslaw 

I am writing this in Marys, I mean grandmas car. I got to borrow it sometimes and she is away at a work thing and she didn't need to drive. So right know I am sitting in the car because I drove to a place where you can see the whole town. It is quit beautiful actually from here. I have a hard time calling Mary grandma at the moment. We fight over stupid things like when I should be home or that I forgot to take something out of the freezer or she forgot to buy something. It is an ongoing circle. So I guess I am punishing her for everything. When in reality me and Layla is not really friends but we are on better terms. Me and Lucas are talking and I guess friends now. But it is kinda awkward between us. Especially since I am dating our old friend at the moment and they don't really seem to be friends. Or well Lucas are jealous of our friend and I can understand why. But me and Lucas do not work, it can't work. I will tell you someday why, when you start answering the letters. But I have come to terms with that you won't and that pains me, but I guess life came in-between. I have to stop writing now, I see our friend coming. Bye.

Miss you.

Sincerely Ginger

No Rain, No Tears//Stiles StilinskiWhere stories live. Discover now