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Dear Mieczyslaw
Happy birthday to Lydia Martin, your crush since third grade. Yey. That was rude, I didn't want it to sound so rude. I sent her a birthday text and she actually answered, guess she isn't the girl she was before. Sadly that is the most happy part of this letter. Allisons mother, that is tragic and I can't describe it with words. I think we can welcome her to lost a parent club, yeah that was too much. You know she can be the secretary, since I'm the president and you are the Vice President over that club. Sorry, sorry, I'm sorry. I don't know what have happened to me. Everyone is telling me that I'm too sarcastic and harsh with every person I meet. I need you right now, it's just so hard

Sincerely Ginger

No Rain, No Tears//Stiles StilinskiWhere stories live. Discover now