Chapter Five: "Stay in the Clo--"

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Trigger Warnings: 

Adult Language


When Jimin and Jungkook piled into the car service that evening to take them back to their place, Jungkook grew quiet and Jimin knew he was thinking about something.

"Jungkookah? What is it, love?" Jimin reached across the backseat, putting his hand on Jungkook's thigh.

"You and V crying together?" Jungkook said now, not looking at Jimin. His expression was adorable, knowing that there was nothing to really be upset about and yet...being upset.

"Jungkookah!" Jimin laughed at his jealousy, and unbuckled his seatbelt so he could slide over next to Jungkook.


"And what..." the words were coming out, he couldn't help it, "you were gonna go sleep in his bed with him, is that right?" He burned at the thought of it. It was this constant pull on him. He knew that he shouldn't be jealous. He flirted with Taehyung more than Jimin did, sometimes. And yet when Jimin did it, Jungkook couldn't help that prickle of anger and jealousy inside him.

"Jungkookah, please! Notice that I told him 'no' and instead went and woke you up so WE could cry together and sleep together, remember that?"

Jungkook nodded, looking at his hands and around the car, not wanting to meet Jimin's eyes still.

Jimin pulled Jungkook's chin around, locked his eyes into his, and pressed his lips onto Jungkook's. "You have nothing to be worried about, Baby, and you know it." Jungkook glanced nervously at the driver's face in the rearview mirror.

"Jimin," he whispered, "he could see..."

"Let him see," Jimin said, now kissing Jungkook with lips parted and tongue teasing out to find Jungkook's, "we did enough hiding and lying today, fuck it." And Jungkook melted into this perfect Jimin. His.


The next day they had a press conference and then interviews all day. Jungkook was already anxious about it. He absolutely hated these days where they were literally stuck in seats on camera answering difficult questions for endless hours.

He and Jimin were in the car service on their way to Big Hit now. The "Press Conference" was actually just at Big Hit, and just with Kim Il-Jung, the MC. There was no "press", it would just be filmed. His heart lurched at how weird this all was, and he reached over to Jimin on the other side of the car.

Jimin jumped in surprise at his touch, and then shook his head at himself. "Sorry, I'm in my head."

"Yeah? And what's going on in there?" Jungkook asked his husband, teasingly...

Jimin blushed, met his eyes. "It's going to be more nonstop questions today..... I just feel like I'm gonna slip up somehow..."

"Jimin," Jungkook started in a fake interviewer voice, "how did you find out about the Billboard number one? Oh well," he was now imitating Jimin, voice pitched higher than Jimin's really was, making Jimin hit him and squeal with giggles... "it was Jungkook's birthday so we were up late drinking and fucking, and then I found out a few hours later! And then I surprised Jungkook with a buttplug to celebrate." Jungkook giggled. "Something like that, you are afraid you might say?"

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