Chapter Eight: Music Heals

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Trigger Warning:

Pressure to stay closeted

Adult Language

Jimin could sense Namjoon's anxiety, but no one said anything until they had politely bowed out Kim Il-Jung and gone to the dance room, where they hung out between interviews on days like this.

When the doors of the practice room closed behind them, Namjoon turned on Jimin, scowling, and Hoseok was behind him, eyes narrowed.

"What the fuck was that? Did we not agree---"

"I'm sorry, okay? It just slipped out!" Jimin was still smirking slightly, he tried to wipe it off his face but he almost couldn't help it.

"Stop it, leave him alone," Jungkook was walking toward his husband now, hand raised in defense of Jimin. "He's not a good liar, what the fuck do you guys want us to do?" Jungkook's anger was starting to erupt now, something he had kept hidden inside for a long time. "Should we get divorced, huh? Break up? Should we become straight, Hyung, because that's what BTS needs? To break even more records, make even more money?" Jungkook stopped suddenly, tears coming to his eyes. He didn't even mean the things he was saying at all.

Jimin pulled the tearful man, still a boy in how quick he was moved to tears, into a hug. He could only feel compassionate to Jungkook in that moment. He looked at Jin, silent, uncomfortable, eyes at the floor. Taehyung, upset but confused... Yoongi had been smirking before Jungkook started to cry, and now his eyes narrowed.

"No one is saying that," Hoseok pressed on, more gently but pressed on, none-the-less. "But literally, you guys, how many impossible-to-explain things do you want to give them? The Tokyo Golden Closet Film? Literally, Troye Sivan, Jungkook?" Hoseok was pissed, mouth set. Jungkook turned at the sound of his name, to face everyone, and Jimin pulled him into a back hug, grounding them both on each other, wrapping his arms around Jungkook's waist, putting his chin on Jungkook's broadening shoulder.

Namjoon was still angry: "Not to mention fucking biting--kissing--whatever the fuck that was to Jimin's ear on stage, on camera! I mean literally, Jungkook, what do you want me to fucking say, this is all of our careers. And I'm sorry.. it was stupid, Jimin, to say Jungkook was with you at 4am, okay?"

"Stop it, what the fuck, guys?" Yoongi was stepping between them now, suddenly the elder Hyung, he wasn't asking. "Leave Jimin alone. We can't tell everyone to love themselves and ask Jimin not to. That's not fair." Jimin felt a rush of love and gratitude for Yoongi, who always protected him and defended him and stood up for him. Who loved Jimin the most and always picked him first. His Hyung and his friend.

"I think Jimin and Jungkook are under enough fucking pressure to walk the line between real and fake and truth and lies and sincerity and deceit. Our career is NOT fucking dependent on how well Jimin and Jungkook keep their gay in the closet, how well they lie to ARMYs." He looked around seriously at each of them. "Our career is based on being sincere, and kind, and loving, and healing. No matter how bad I want to win a Grammy, I know we aren't going to do it by selling our souls."

Namjoon's face was guilty and torn up. Hoseok looked hurt, now.

Namjoon seemed to wrestle with himself and then said: "I'm sorry."

Hoseok was beside himself now. "I'm...I'm sorry too."

"You're right, winning an award has never been the reason we do things. You're right, Jimin." Namjoon met his eyes apologetically. "Our goal is to heal people, and we can't heal people by hurting ourselves, by asking you to hurt yourself. I'm sorry I... I shouldn't have put so much pressure on you to lie."

He stepped forward, arms outstretched and pulled both young men into a hug. "I'm sorry, okay?"

"I'm sorry, too." said Hobi, and put his arms around them, too. Suddenly all the guys were bundling on, until Jimin and Jungkook were surrounded by all the members in a big bear hug. Jimin looked at Jungkook. He was crying happy tears now.

As they broke apart, many eyes were wet.

"Come on guys, this year has been awful." Namjoon said. "Let's just work hard and get through this pandemic so we can tour again, okay? I know it's making us all crazy being stuck at home. I'm sorry I forgot about what was important. I love all you guys, okay?"

He put down two fingers, and the rest of the guys matched him wordlessly.

"Bangtan Sonyeundan!" said Namjoon...

"Bangtan Sonyuendan!" They echoed him.

"Now let's get out there and promote Dynamite. No more lies, okay?" He smiled at Jimin, who smiled gratefully back.

As the members opened the doors to leave, Jimin called out, serious again, suddenly: "Wait, guys, come back." He pulled out his phone. "We have to do something really important before we do our next interview."

"What?" said Namjoon, confused.

Suddenly, Watermelon Sugar was coming, loud, from Jimin's phone. Jimin looked into Jungkook's eyes and smiled.

"Dance Party!" He shouted, and broke out into excited dancing. Hoseok and Jungkook were a beat behind him and soon all the boys were dancing their stress out...stress about interviews and pandemics and homophobia and racism... for a second it was all gone, thanks to Harry Styles.

Music Heals, thought Jimin as he watched them dance, and tears came to his eyes before he let the joy of the music take him away.


Author Note: 

Aww I hope you guys liked how that turned out as much as I did!!!  Honestly it was the boys' words and thoughts and experiences at that time and not mine that I think ended up making this story really special.  I love them so much!!

I am beyond thrilled to finish this story, I'm honestly annoyed at myself I was stuck on it for so long because I knew it wouldn't take me long to finish at all!  But what I'm really learning about myself is that I can't write 10 books at once 😅  how surprising, right? 

If you enjoyed this story please "follow" me and check out some other books I have written!  

Also please check out the next part of this story and let me tease some of my other books!

AND please check out the last part of this story in which I reveal some of the new books and stories I have been working on and you guys can vote for which ones you would really love to read!  

Thank you so much beautiful readers!!!



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