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Nicole stared out the window angrily

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Nicole stared out the window angrily.

"Uh, Cole, I know you're, uh...I know you're pissed off, but your phone won't stop going off." Courtney informed.

"It's probably my dad obsessing over where I am. Ugh." Nicole rolled her eyes and picked up her phone.

When she looked at the screen, instead of Daniel, she saw Sam's contact.

Sammy: Hey, Nic, I have an idea, where r u?

Sammy: Get home now. Throwing a little Christmas party w/ Miguel & Miyagi-Do.

Sammy: Pls make sure Courtney is w/ u if she isn't already, ty!

Sammy: Are you avoiding me.

Nic: Almost home.

Sammy: Good!

Nicole placed her phone back down.

"Was it your dad?" Courtney asked.

"Nope, it was Sam. She's having a small Christmas party at our house and wants us there with the other Miyagi-Do's so she can discuss her plan with all of us." Nicole replier.

"Oh no, another plan?" Courtney gave her a look.

"I know. Hopefully this time it's a good one." Nicole sighed.


Nicole and Courtney walked though the front door of the LaRusso house to see Sam pacing in front of Demetri, Nate, and Chris along with some of the other Miyagi-Do's.

"The party has arrived." Courtney did jazz hands.

The two then looked around at everyone's bored faces.

"Although, this doesn't look like much of a party." Courtney tilted her head.

"Good, you're here! Now we only have to wait for one more thing!" Sam smiled.

"Is it part of your new master plan that you have?" Nicole folded her arms.

"Plan?" Demetri furrowed his eyebrows.

Sam shook her head at the girls.

"Plan? What plan? Can you two, uh, go in the kitchen real quick?"

"Why?" Courtney asked.

"Just do it!" Sam exclaimed.


Nicole and Courtney disappeared into the kitchen, Sam following after them.

"You two are the only ones who know about the plan so far, so you can't say anything!" Sam exclaimed.

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