Chapter 9

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We both started getting our clothes on. He opened the door and walked out. He held my hand and helped me out of the car. I felt a little sore and now freezing because it's cold outside. It was actually foggy outside as well. It was kind of creepy. It seemed like a horror movie. Derek took his jacket off and put it on my back.

"You seemed cold" he said kissing my head

He held my waist and brought us inside. The party was still crazy. We started dancing together. I wasn't going to drink anymore. I felt horrible and felt like I was about to puke all over Derek. I sat down on the couch and saw owen dancing with teddy. He started kissing her. I was disgusted. Derek walked in front of me. I bent down and put his hands on my knees. He had a beer can in his hand.

"Mer what's wrong. Do you want to go?" he asked

"Yeah can we just leave" I said

He drank the rest of his beer and got up. He helped me up and we went back to my car.

"No I'm driving" he said closing the drivers side door as I opened it.

"Okay" I sighed

I stumbled over to the passenger side and we both got in. He started driving to the house. I zipped the jacket that he gave me up. It looked huge on me. I relaxed in my chair and fell asleep.

"Meredith we're here" I heard

I opened my eyes and we were in my driveway. He had the passenger door open. He helped me out and walked me to my front door. He unlocked the door and we walked in. He shut it and helped me upstairs. I laid in bed and he started taking my clothes off.

"Ughhh" I sighed

"You'll feel better in the morning, now put this on" he said throwing a shirt at my chest.

I slid it on and he took his shoes off. He took his shirt off and laid next to me. He laid face down. I put my hand on his back. I rubbed my hand up to the back of his neck.

"Mmm" he moaned softly as I massaged the side of his neck

I leaned down.

"Are you off tomorrow?" I whispered

"No" he mumbled

"Me either" I whispered

I started laughing. I sat up and turned over. I fell asleep. I woke up the next morning with the biggest hangover. I grabbed some Tylenol and took it without water. I got up and went into the bathroom. I shut the door and took a cold shower. I got out and brushed my teeth. I dried off and brushed my hair. I could barely do anything. I walked out of the bathroom and changed. I went over to Derek.

"Derek wake up we have to go" I said

"What time is it" he mumbled turning to look at me

"7:00" I said

"Shit" he said

He quickly got out of bed and changed. He went into the bathroom. I walked downstairs and grabbed 2 waffles. I put the in my toaster and started them. I quickly made coffee. Derek started running down the stairs and I poured him some coffee. I handed him a waffle.

"Thanks Mer" he said kissing my cheek.

We both quickly ate and drank coffee. We left the house and got into my car. We drove to the hospital and he ran inside. I have no idea what he has planned today and why he's running. I walked in and when to the interns locker room. A bunch of us were in here. I changed into my scrubs and walked with Cristina. We all went to Bailey.

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