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Kim.th: Jungkook.... Are you awake at this hour?

Kim.th: Nevermind it was foolish of me to message you now, forgive me.

Jk.jk: no no I'm up what's up

Kim.th: Why in heavens are you awake at this hour?

Jk.jk: why are u

Kim.th: Touché.

Jk.jk: mhm so what's bothering u?

Kim.th: ..

Jk.jk: u can trust me it's alright

Kim.th: I do not wish to be my fathers successor. Yet I have no choice in the matter. I have yet to do anything for myself. I am told how to dress. How to talk. How to walk. Who to talk to. How to eat my food. How to drink. When it is appropriate to use the facilities. How to wave my hand. How to write, what to write, how to stand, when it is appropriate to sit. I did not ask for this life nor do I want it.

Jk.jk: damn tae... I'm sorry.. that's sounds rough.. have u tried telling him?

Kim.th: Yes I told him today at dinner. He did not take it well, he told me I had no choice in the matter and to just behave and stay quiet.  This was the life that was written for me before I was born.

Jk.jk: damn ur dad sounds like a dick. Luckily my parents were supportive of my choices if u could do what you want to do what would u do?

Kim.th: ..

Jk.jk: what?

Kim.th: Not once in my life have I been asked what I want, I'm not sure how to answer you.

Jk.jk: oh.. well what do u enjoy doing?

Kim.th: Jungkook the only enjoyable moment in my life at the moment is when I'm talking to you, every aspect of my life is controlled very strictly, however when I was young I loved to dance around the halls and sing songs with my mother.. I still find myself humming the songs. And singing when I'm alone in the bathing room.

Jk.jk: I did the same with my mother, so u like to perform? U ever thought of becoming an idol?

Kim.th: Good heavens no, me an idol? never in this life time. In order to be an idol you must be many things I have none of the required skills to be an idol.

Jk.jk: lol as long as you have a pretty face and ambition they do the rest lol

Kim.th: I have neither. I don't even have a future that is in my hands.

Jk.jk: then take it in ur hands they can't stop u

Kim.th:  They are very powerful people Jungkook.  Every inch of my life is controlled and timed, this phone of mine is a secret.. I shall be hanged by ones neck if I am not careful.

Jk.jk: damn.. sorry tae but so what everyone deserves freedom

Kim.th: Deserves? Yes, can have? No.

Jk.jk: I'm sorry it's like that...

Kim.th: Oh that's perfectly alright, not to worry Jungkook, I'll leave you now, you should get some sleep.

Jk.jk: okay oh and tae

Kim.th: Yes?

Jk.jk: talking with u is an enjoyable moment for me too.


The more I know the more questions I have

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The more I know the more questions I have..
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Chim.chim: andddd we're back to memeing yourself😂

Jk.jk: u know it

Hobi: lol what's wrong now kook

Prince.Jin:,this boy interest me this is ur fourth post about him...

Namjoon: ^^ right he's been talking to this guy for a week now he never talks to people for that long

Suga: it's cuz ur boy is playerrrr

Chim.chim: ^^ you better not be.

Suga:^^ ofcourse not baby ur my one and only xx

Jk.jk: this guy has peaked my interest he's very mysterious and I enjoy our convos.

Hobi: oooo does our little Kookie have a crush

Jk.jk: ^^^ yah shut it horse face

Jin: but is it true? Does our little Kookie have a crush? 👀👀👀

Jk.jk: maybe. Idk yet I don't even know what he looks like besides he's four years younger than me

Namjoon: still Legal 😉

Suga: 😂😂

Jk.jk: lols true. Idk I like this kid Imma just see where this goes

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