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Kim.th: Jungkook.

Jk.jk: u summoned

Kim.th: Can I ask you a random question?

Jk.jk: tae half the things that come out of ur mouth are random but shoot

Kim.th: What do you think of the royals?

Jk.jk: well the Prince is kinda hot. But I think they are all snobs and not needed why?

Kim.th: No reason just wanted your opinion. I agree with you by the way, in this up to date society I see it unnecessary to have a monarchy.

Jk.jk: the Prince is alright tho but he looks miserable as fuck lol

Kim.th: Well I'm sure he has been forced into many things, that perhaps he didn't want to do or wasn't in control of.

Jk.jk: come off it lol, he's living the high life he's the literal prince

Kim.th: It might not be as it seem though, you never know how someone is coping on the inside.

Jk.jk: I mean ig but he's still he's a prince! Most people would die to have what he has

Kim.th: and you never know he might die to have what normal people have. The normal life can be so overrated.

Jk.jk: yea I guess I can understand that but the Prince is still hot😍

Kim.th:  Really?

Jk.jk: fuck yes!😍but dw u don't need to be jelly lols😉x

Kim.th: I didn't really understand anything of what you just said to me but I do not have time to ask question I have to go.

Jk.jk: np ttyl x

Korea news:

Prince Kim taehyung left the palace today unattended

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Prince Kim taehyung left the palace today unattended. He was spotted walking the around meadow park in a face mask, why was the Prince alone? What was he doing out of the palace?
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