A Library and It's Books

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Hermione closes the library doors with a small thub. With how large they were she thought they would make more of a sound.

"A simple cushing spell dear"

Hermione practically jumped around started by the unfamiliar witch. The witch was wearing a rather interesting witches hat. It was far bolder than the ones Minerva McGonagall could be seen wearing. Hermione was surprised that she hadn't met her at the staff introduction. But she was also surprised with how easily the witch seemed to answer her question as if she could read her mind.

At seeing Hermione startled, she back tracked a bit.

"Oh sorry dear the way you looked at the door reminded me of the way the first years are surprised it doesn't make more noise when it closes." Said the witch as she offered her hand to Hermione.

"I just came back not too long ago. I am Irma Pince, the school's librarian. I was simply returning from looking for more books to add to Hogwarts Library."

Hermione shook her hand and gave a small nod "I'm Hermione Granger" she said with a smile.

"Ah yes the Headmistress is waiting for you in the restricted section. Go straight down this row and turn right and you should see her there. Don't go into the restricted section, simply announce yourself if she isn't within view." Madam Pince said with a gesture of her hand in the direction Hermione needed to go in.

Hermione nodded her head and set off in the direction Madam Pince had told her. There were so many books and they all had this rustic look to them. Some bounded in well worn leather and others in fabrics. Hermione was half tempted to run her hand along the spines of the books. Once at the restricted section her curiosity peaked when she saw the books on the other side. They, like the other books in the library, looked well worn but also well maintained. Seeing the books behind a gate made Hermione curious as to what the books contain to be behind such a gate. Hermione was about to enter but remembered Madam Pinces words and called out for Minerva.

"Ms. McGonagall?" Hermione called out

Minerva's head popped out of one of the rows towards the end of the restricted section.

"Oh Hermione dear I will be there in a moment let me just collect some of my books."

Minerva came out of the restricted section carrying two rather heavy books as if they were merely sheets of parchment paper. She then took out her wand and made some gesture to the books. Soon they levitated past Hermione headed toward where Hermione had last seen Madam Pince.

"You didn't say any magical words this time." Hermione noted as Minerva straightened her robes. Minerva smiled at this

"Quite the observer you are. Yes there are different ways about casting magic. The more common is saying the spell correctly with the required wand movements. What I just performed is a nonverbal spell. I still did the wand movements but because I am what you would consider an experienced witch I can still cast the spell without saying the words needed."

Hermione looked at Minerva amazed. Learning about a whole new world and learning that she was a part of it was overwhelming but she would be lying if she said she didn't want to experience as much as she can of it.

"When do you think I can start to learn to do magic with one of those." Hermione pointed to Minerva's wand. At this Minerva had to hold in her joy. Hermione seemed to be opening up more and more and was now interested in not only learning magic but casting it as well. Minerva guided Hermione to a lovely window seat in the library that showed the view of the castle's lake.

"Well Hermione as you heard the new school semester will be starting soon. If you'd like, we can start a bit beforehand to help you get acquainted with the castle and wizidering society before the other students arrive. The other staff members and I are still trying to see the best way of going about with your education. Which of course when we come up with some more direct plans you will be involved with the final decision. But for now we can start with getting some books for you to read and your own wand. How about it?"

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