Black Family Reunion

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Hermione had woken up early in the morning with a gasp. Having had a nightmare as she sat up straight and looked around.

"I'm still here" Hermione said with a small laugh.

"Well of course you are dear, where would you have gone?" Hermione startled to look over to see the one to talk was Madam Pomfrey. Hermione blushed at being caught talking to herself.

"'s nothing." she fumbled over her words as she fidgeted with her hands. Pomfrey looked at her and simply nodded her head.

"Is it okay if I do a diagnostic on you?" Hermione looked surprised to be asked. Normally at the hospitals and mental hospitals she would stay at they wouldn't ask her and simply do what they needed to do whether it made her comfortable or not. She nodded her head and Madam Pomfrey set to work casting simple diagnostic spells to see if Hermione had anything she needed to know about or treat.

Pomfrey wrote in her notes that Hermione seemed to have an old fracture on her right arm that was healing. As she waved her wand over Hermione's head she didn't miss the way the girl flinched ever so slightly as if she was using all her strength to not flinch away. Writing a few more things in her notes she made a mental note to talk to Minerva over her findings. She walked into her office and came back out holding a small container.

"After a nice shower I'll show you how to apply some of this cream to the areas around your arms where you have cuts and small burns." Pomfrey said as she set the container down on Hermione's nightstand.

"H-how did you know?" Hermione said tugging down self consciously on the long sleeves she was wearing. Madam Pomfrey simply pointed at Hermione's right hand and then her wand. As Hermione looked down there was a lighter shade of skin on her palm in the shape of a line.

"You arrived with a gash on your hand and while I fixed that up before you woke up, one of the diagnostics I just did right now was to see if you had any damage to the surface of your body. It showed some cuts and small burns on your arms."

"Oh...." Hermione said as she looked down at the floor.

"Come dear I'll show you where the showers are and I'll get you a change of clothes." Pomfrey said trying to distract her mind from going to a not so nice place.

"A-And Minerva?" Hermione asked softly. Madam Pomfrey smiled and thought it was sweet that she seemed to take a liking to Minerva.

"She's getting ready to meet with a new Professor but after the shower Dobby can bring you food and if you ask he'll be happy to tell you about Hogwarts." Hermione seemed to think it over and nod as she got up to follow her.


When Narcissa arrived she was greeted by Minerva McGonagall. Apparently Minerva had added a floo network to run directly to her office's fireplace. Now at Hogwarts she was both excited and nervous but years of keeping face had her maintain her calm composure. She knows that both Sirius and Bellatrix reside here and that their reactions to her being here would be interesting to say the least. Minerva stood up and smiled when she walked out of the fireplace dusting some soot off herself.

"Good to see you Miss Black." Minerva said as she gestured for her to take a seat in the chair in front of her desk.

"Good to see you too Headmistress." Once she took her seat Minerva followed soon after. They spent the time discussing the course plan changing and adding a thing or two. After an hour and a half the two finished up the changes.

"Let's go down to the great hall and I'll introduce you to the other teachers." Minerva said as she got up to lead Narcissa. As they walked down Narcissa had mentioned to her that Draco accepted the offer of coming because to school.

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