A Lost Letter

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A dark cloaked figure stayed in the shadow of the hallway and corridors as they made their way up to Professor McGonagall's room. They hide in a corner and watch the Professor pass by and then rush into the room. Once in the room, the figure let out a dark laugh.

"Ah, little pest won't get in the way of stopping my Dark Lord from rising.'' Removing her clock Bellatrix then started to look for Harry's name. When she couldn't find his name she became furious.

"Where is it?!" she practically yelled. Heading back to her room Minerva saw that the door was slightly open and not closed how she left it. Bellatrix turned and cursed when she heard footsteps heading her way. She was on the run from this Ministry and knew in this weak state she couldn't handle a duel with her former professor. Bellatrix rushed to the window opening it and accioed her broom. Just as Minerva stepped into her room she saw names of her future students all over the floor and Bellatrix jumping out of the window. Minerva ran toward the window and managed to throw a few hexes at Bellatrix. When Bellatrix was out of reach Minerva cast a Patronus calling for Aurors to come. She quickly accioed a broom and followed Bellatrix dodging spells sent her way. Bellatrix cursed and rushed for the edge of Hogwarts barrier needing to get past it to apparate. Just as she got near five Aurors apparated in front of her and all casted stunners which two hit her dead in the chest. Falling to the floor hard the Aurors quickly rushed to her. Bellatrix Lestrange was caught.

After informing her staff of the incident Minerva went along with the Aurors to insure she wouldn't escape again. After arriving at the Ministry and with the promise that Bellatrix would be taken care of she returned to Hogwarts. She sighed as she went straight to her office only to be confronted with the mess Bellatrix left behind. Feeling tired and she slowly started to pick up the letters of the future student of Hogwarts, but failed to notice one letter missing now burned to ash in her fireplace...

(Years later Voldemort is defeated)

Minerva McGonagall was sitting in her new furnished office working over some papers when a lady from the Ministry barges in without knocking. Minerva looked up at the disheveled woman with a frown not pleased with being interrupted so rudely. Before Minerva could say anything the woman spoke.

"Headmaster McGonagall we have a problem!" said the girl. Minerva gestured for the woman to sit down and explain. She took a deep breath as if trying to get her thoughts in order. Minerva looked at the women seeing that she looked genuinely nervous and scared.

" My name is Rose Wilder. I'm from the Ministry of Magic and we just found a very rare case." She said with a more serious tone in her voice. Minerva raised her eyebrow

"Rare case as in?" she asked and Rose frowned

"We have a possible Obscurial on our hands...." Minerva stands up immediately.

"How?! We haven't had something like this happen in a long time! Are they okay?" Rose shrank in her chair feeling nervous about telling Minerva the rest.

" The subject's name is Hermione Jean Granger and at the moment she's not doing good. She's currently at a muggle mental institution." Rose said with a frown. Minerva's heart broke.

"How could this have happened?" She asked out loud but mostly to herself. Then a thought struck her "Why have you come to tell me?" Rose fidgeted even more

"Well Headmistress she was supposed to come here for her education but she never received her letter from what we have gathered so far." Minerva's eyes widened as she remembered the night when Bellatrix was in her office and all the letters of future student's were scattered throughout the room.

"The Ministry has high respect for you Headmistress and wondered if you would want to take it over. If not another Minister Auror can take the case over." Minvera quickly shook her head. " No I will handle this personally but please, Rose we must get her out of the hospital first. She'll become a danger for sure if she stays there any longer." Rose nods in agreement as she gets up and they walk over to Minerva's personal floo network.

They flooed to the nearest place to the hospital Hermione was located in and walked the rest of the way. They made sure to transfigurate their robes into muggle style clothing. Minerva walked up to the nurse behind a desk.

"Excuse me but we need to speak to Miss Hermione Jean Granger...we are her Aunts." The nurse gave her a kind yet awkward smile. "I'm sorry to tell you but she was just sent home yesterday. But I can tell you where she's staying." Said the nurse with a soft smile and Minerva nodded. Rose disappeared for a bit while Minerva talked with the nurse and got Hermione's address.

Once they reached a safe place away from muggle eyes they apparated there. The house they appeared in front of seemed sad and gloomy. Rose handed Minerva a folder, "You should take a look at this before we go inside. I managed to get it from a cabinet full of patient information. This is hers...." Said Rose with a small frown.

Minerva looked at it and saw that it was a pretty thick filed filled with papers. She opened it and read over some of it. 'Patient was brought in by her parents after she had an emotional episode and set her room on fire... the patient is a danger to herself and others... was in mandatory solitude for 3 weeks after assaulting a male nurse. The patient is now on heavy medication to help with their schizophrenia, anxiety, and depression.' When Minerva finished reading her heart broke in half and she wiped away a few tears.

"Merlin help this poor child." she said softly.

Now she knew why Rose had disappeared while she was with the nurse. She turned back to Rose who already had her wand out ready to restrain her if necessary. Minerva looked at Rose upset that she might do something to hurt Hermione. Rose could easily tell that Minerva was upset with her for having her wand out by the way she glared at her and then to her wand.

"We need to be able to protect ourselves if she snaps. Minerva shook her head "She is still just a child! Stay outside I'll go and talk to her and explain everything." Rose was going to argue but stopped when Minerva gave her a stern look that said she's not asking. Rose sighs but nods and goes to stand under a tree near the house. Minerva turns to the house and walks over preparing herself to tell Hermione she was a witch.

(This is my first Harry Potter fanfic please have mercy. Endgame can be either Hermione with Narcissa or Bellatrix.)

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