A New Friend?

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Hermione woke up in a daze but what she noted was a really soft bed. She looked around wondering how she got there, then slowly she started to remember setting her house on fire.

"It was just a dream...It was just a dream...It was just a dream" repeated Hermione as she covered her eyes with her hands. Minerva walked in a minute later being informed by Poppy that Hermioen should wake up soon.Walking in Minerva could hear Hermione's words and looked at her sadly Hermione still not noticing her presence.

"Im sorry dear but this isn't a dream. But I do promise that I can help you. I can teach you about your magic and the magic world."

Hermione couldn't believe that this was happening. But before Hermione could go into a panic again Minerva snapped a small bracelet onto her wrist. It may have been small but it felt extremely heavy. After a bit of wearing the bracelet Hermione felt a light but not necessarily in a bad way. It was more as if a weight was taken off her shoulders. Hermione looked at the bracelet and then to Minerva questioning. Before Minerva could say a word Madam Pomfrey stepped in seemingly from nowhere to explain.

"This bracelet was made by our founding fathers and mothers of Hogwarts. It was meant to eat up the excess magic energy one has so that one wouldn't hurt themselves if they couldn't control their magic or had too much." explain Pomfrey easily.

Hermione was on edge having another person so close to her. Madam Pomfrey noticed this and back tracked a bit "Sorry dearie I'm Poppy Pomfrey. I work as Hogwarts Matron"as she explained she snapped her fingers. Soon a tiny house elf popped up happily.

"You called Mistress Pomfrey?" asked the small elf. Hermione was surprised to see this small creature.

"A troll just appeared out of nowhere and is talking....I need my medicine" Hermione mumbled as she felt her heart start to race again. Madam Pomfrey expected Hermione to have anxiety from all the information being given to her. Along with the sensory overload she'd have from being in a new place and experiencing new things such as house elfs.

"Dobby is no Troll Miss! Dobby is a house elf!" Dobby said proudly holding his head up. Hermione was a bit taken back from this creature that called himself Dobby.

Turning to the small house elf Pomfrey nodded "Dobby can you please bring Miss Granger some food with a calming draught." She asked looking down at the small creature. Dobby nodded his head so forcefully his big ears just flapped back and forth in a silly manner earning a small smile from Hermione.

Just as soon as he left he came back with a tray of food and the potion asked for. He placed it on the nightstand next to Hermione's bed.

"Here please drink this, it will help you feel better, I promise." Pomfrey said as she handed the bottle of calming draught to her. Hermione turned to look at Minerva and she gave her a small nod. Pomfrey excused herself as she went back to take logs on ingredients and potions she would need knowing that quidditch season would be coming up. Hermione took the potion and drank it and while it didn't exactly have an appealing taste it wasn't the worst thing she tasted.

Almost instantly she felt a wave of what felt to her as a warm soft blanket wrap around her comfortably. She felt a tear slip from her eye and wiped it away.

"Oh dear is something wrong?" Minerva asked worried as she got up. Hermione shook her head and let out a small chuckle

"No, it's just that this is the best I've ever felt in such a long time." She said with a small smile. Minerva felt her heart both warmed and chilled at that. Warmed because she was glad Hermione was feeling better but chilled because she wondered what hardships she must have suffered before they found her.

"Well I'm glad to hear that. And please do eat some of the food Dobby brought you. It's straight from Hogwarts Kitchen and made by our house elf. They are amazing cooks if I do say so myself. " Minerva said with a smile as Dobby took a seat next to her to explain the happenings of the kitchen and what they would need with the new semester coming up.

Hermione began to eat from the food bought for her as Dobby and Minerva talked. She humbled in happiness from how good the food was. Once she finished she let out a small sigh "Wow that was amazing!"

Dobby beamed happily at this. He stayed around quite curious about the new student Hogwarts seemed to have. Seeing that the school's new semester was still two weeks away he imagined that she must be someone special to be here before then.

"Dobby helped make the apple pie this time!" He said with a bright smile. Hermione turned to him

"So you really are....real?" Dobby nodded at this and held out his hand to her to shake. Minerva wanted to see where this would go so she didn't interrupt them. Hermione tenavily grabbed his hand and shook hands with him. She was surprised to note that while his hands felt rough he had a gentle hold. Before she could pull her hand back Dobby placed a package in her hand.

"Harry Potter says that one makes friends easier with these! They're his favorite so Dobby thought you'd like them too."

Minervas sees what Dobby hands her and quickly but politely suggests that Hermione save it for later. As Minerva took the package and put it in the nightstand drawer Hermione managed to read the name of it 'Chocolate Frog'. 'What a strange name for a sweet. And who is Harry Potter? Is he another house elf?' Hermione thought to herself.

"Well thank you Mister Dobby for the gift" Hermione said as she sat up straighter on her bed.

Dobby absolutely beamed at this "Well Dobby must get back to his duties!" he said walking to the exit to go back to the kitchen. "Mister Dobby" he said cheerfully to himself as he made his way to the kitchen seemingly forgetting that he can just apparate from how happy he was.

Hermione turned to Minerva after watching Dobby leave. "So...."

"You must have a lot of questions but it's getting late and I'm sure you must be tired. " Minerva said as she stood up. Looking out the hospital wings windows she could see it was already dark. Hermione soon realized that she really was tired after she let out a yawn. The calm draught and her new bracelet have taken its toll on her.

"If you need me for any reason you can ask Madam Pomfrey to call me." Hermione nodded and curled up with the blanket on her bed. After Minerva left Hermione laid awake for just a bit more.

Sleep soon coming to take her, she found herself saying "Please don't let this be a dream, don't make me go back" she said softly to whatever higher being could hear her. Finally she felt as if she might have found the part of her that she knew she was missing. 

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