first date part 2

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" hey so i wrote the rest of last chapter but it deleted it before i realized it did i updated so this is part to of last chapter


Marissa's POV

huh i thought id be forever alone and grow old and have 37 cats

yup you heard it here first folks Marissa Hardy has never had a boyfriend

not that I'm saying Loui's gonna be my boyfriend i highly doubt that

any who

since im going to leave bailli home again i decided it was time for a ......... SHOPPING TRIP!!!

we just arrived at the mall and it was HUGE! we walked thru the entrance and headed to forever 21 and i decided to get a new outfit tonight he said just dress casual so it made me wonder what he was up to i picked out a pair of floral jeans with a pink flowey top so i headed to the dressing room and tried it on i loved it so i ended up buying it

after many stores we excited out of the mall with like 10 bags each how did we afford it? you ask two words Graduation money!

after we got back to the flat i hopped in the shower once i got out i slipped on my outfit from forever 21 and blow dried my hair and curled it and did my usual natural looking foundation and powder then some mascara and eyeliner blush and lip gloss then i headed to my closet and picked up my black gladiator sandals right when there was a knock on the door i opened the door and was greeted by Loui

" you look beautiful" he commented i instantly felt the heat on my cheeks i looked down trying to hide it mumbling "thanks" i hooked my arm with his and we headed to his car

"please tell me where we're going "

i pleaded for the millionth time

" i already told you its a surprise"

ugh i give up its useless

after about 20 minutes later the car came to a halt we were in front of a cement building but suddenly my vision was gone


i heard a slight chuckle coming from behind me of course it was Loui


no answer great he left me when I'm blind suddenly a pair of arms were arpund my waist and i did what my instincts told me to do scream so i did then a hand covered my mouth haha I've always wanted to try this i bit the person's hand and they let go

"OW! what was that for?" i British accent said from behind me

"oh sorry Lou i thought you were a rapist"

he laughed then led me inside the building

he took the blind fold off and i gasped this place was awesome it had a foam pit, slides, go karts and a ton of arcade games it was just amazing

" so do you like it"

"Loui i love it"

" race you to the go karts" he shouted then ran off

once we got our suits and helmets on mine was purple! i hopped into a black car

and started it up

" how about we make this a little bit interesting" loui said with a smirk on his lips" loser has to kiss the winner"

"your on" and with that i sped off leaving Lou behind

it was the final lap and i crossed the finish line victoriously and jumped out of my car taking my suit and helmet off Loui doing the same

but in an instant i was being thrown over his shoulder he started running i was hitting his back pleading for him to let me down but he refused so i gave up and just dangled there but before i even realized what he was going to do i was being thrown in the air landing in the foam pit the cubes covering my whole body that's when i decided i was going to scare the death out of Loui

Loui's POV

i flung Marissa into the foam pit the cubes completely covering her body so you couldn't see her

she never came up

"MARISSA!!" i yelled no answer so i jumped in throwing cubes everywhere in search for her then all the sudden she pops out from know where yelling "HI" scaring the crap out of me

Marissa's POV

i heard Loui right beside me now was my chance i jumped up shouting HI!! the look on his face was priceless i burst into a fit of laughter but then suddenly i was stopped by Loui's lips crashing on mine i was shocked at first but i kissed back his hands were on my hips moving me closer so there was no space in-between us my hands made there way around his neck and eventually we separated

"what was that for??"

"I lost the race" he said a smirk on his lips

"oh i see well how about we go play some games"

"lets go" and with that we played arcade games for the next hour and a half then we headed back to my flat because it was getting pretty late

once we pulled up at my flat Loui opened my door and walked me up to the apartment he kissed me gently before leaving and it couldn't have been a more perfect way to end the evening

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