first date

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Loui's POV

i was up all night last night thinking about what i should do i figured out that i do fancy Marissa but does she like me back?

i guess I'll find out because tonight I'm asking her out on a date

Marissa's POV


who would be calling me at 5 in the morning!!

i picked up my phone and pressed it to my ear not bothering to look at the caller ID

what do you want?? i said in an annoyed tone

" good morning to you to" an all but to familiar British accent said thru the phone

Marissa : " sorry Lou but in my defense you did wake me up at 5 in the morning so what you need??

Loui : " erm.... well i was just wondering if maybe you want to go out on a date with me??"

Marissa : " i would love to "

Loui: I'll pick you up around 6

and with that we said are goodbyes and hung up

Loui's POV

i can't believe she said yes and its going to be an amazing night after i told harry that I was asking her out he helped me figure out what we were going to do for the night and he gave me the greatest idea and I'm pretty sure she'll love it

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