the cafe

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Marissa's POV

after our flight we went and got our bags and caught a cab to our apartment

we walked in our already filled apartment and went to our rooms to unpack our many suitcases when we finished it was super late and we were both starving so we decided to go out to eat

we got another cab and told the driver our destination he dropped us off in front of a late night cafe we walked thru the door and the smell of coffee and pastries instantly filled my nose

considering it was so late there was nobody but five guys sitting at a table their accents filled the empty cafe as we walked by i got a closer look at them and recognized them as one direction

Bailli's POV

as we walked in the cafe my ears were flooded by five different accents bouncing off the walls of the vacant cafe we walked passed them and i looked over and realized it was one direction

Loui's POV

after our concert rehearsal we were all starving so we decided to go to our favorite cafe

and it was pretty late so nobody was there we sat down and looked at our menus for a while then our waitress came and took our orders and about the 20 minutes later came back with our food and drinks we all dug in and continued our conversation in-between bites when the bell on the door rang signaling that a customer was here we all turned our attention to the door curious to who would also be here this late two girls about 18 walked in one of them instantly caught my eye she had long brown and blonde hair with chocolate brown eyes and tanned skin and i thought she was absolutely beautiful.

the lads must of noticed me glancing at the mystery girl every now and then somehow they convinced me to go talk to her and before i even knew it i got up and walked towards their table.

Marissa's POV

one of the guys i recognized as Loui got up but what i didn't expected is he walked to our table and stood right in front of me "hello love I'm Loui and you are??? " "Marissa" i responded "well Marissa what brings you here so late in the evening?? i told him that we just moved into our apartment about an hour ago " well I'm glad i was here or some other lucky guy would of found you" i felt the blush creeping up my cheeks he just let out a slight giggle then asked for my number we exchanged phones after i finished putting in my number i handed him back his phone and he handed me mine

by then the other guys were ready to go so he said goodbye and walked out the door a few minutes later my phone buzzed it was Loui it said " are you free tomorrow??" i replied "yup" he replied " awesome send me you address and I'll pick you up around noon" after i sent him the address we left and headed back to the apartment to get some sleep.

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