America's next cutest couple!

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Marissa's POV

I woke up and checked my phone there was a message from Lou



went to the store this morning look what I found

I looked at the picture he sent me and my eyes grew wide

the picture was of a magazine and it had one of the silly pictures of me and Lou on it from last night and in big bold letters it said "America's next cutest couple"I smiled and wrote him back



How'd they get that out so fast?

my phone buzzed a few seconds later

to: Marissa

from: Lou

it's the paparazzi they can get things out in a few hours anyways you probably just woke up do you want to go or for breakfast?

to: Lou

from: Marissa

I would love to

to: Marissa

from: Lou

ok be I'll be there in 20

with that I set my phone down and went to my closet trying to figure out what to wear I decided on my patterned turquoise, black, light pink, and white leggings with an over sized turquoise sweater and pink uggs I hopped in the shower and washed my hair and body I rinsed off and hopped out I got dressed and blow dried my hair and crimped it so it fell in small waves i did my make up and grabbed my phone

Arms snaked around my waist

"hello beautiful" he whispered in my ear

I turned around and kissed his lips

"hi" i said smiling

"you ready"

i nodded

He took my hand in his and led me to his car

we pulled up at a very familiar cafe I smiled remembering that day

"I decided since we're America's cutest couple we could go to where it started"he said with a smile on his face

"it's perfect Lou"

we walked in the familiar sent of coffee filling my nose we walked up to the counter ordering our drinks

"I'll have a vanilla latte" I said

"I'll take a tea with two cinnamon rolls"

"okay that will be $10.50"

Lou paid and then we sat down at a table in the back sipping on our drinks and eating the scrumptious cinnamon rolls once we were finished

He grabbed my hand we passed his car

"um Lou where are we going?"

"it's a surprise" he said pulling a blindfold

"oh no no no"i said running away from him

"yes yes yes"he said catching up to me and putting around my face

"i hate being blidefolded" i pounted my lips slightly jutting out

I felt his lips come in contact with mine i smiled as he whispered in my ear " i promise it will be worth it"

we got in the car and drove for what seemed like hours but soon the car came to a stop my door opened and louis warm hand grabbed mine and helped me out of the car he still held onto my hand giuding me to where ever we were going we came to a hult and he let go of my hand and untied my blindfold i gasped when i opened my eyes we were on a clearing the view was amazing it was over looking the city the city lights lighting up the town of london and then i looked around us and gasped once again as i spotted a white and red checkerd blanket and a picnic basket  laying ontop of it i couldnt stop smiling he grabbed my hand once again and led me to the blanket......


 to say the night was perfect would be an understatement and now sadly the night was over and we were now sitting in my drive way

" so was it worth it?" lou said leaning twoards me

"definatly" i said and kissed him we then got out of the car and he walked me to the door and kissed me goodnight and it was the perfect ending to a perfect night.


I'm sooo sorry guys i know its been a really long time but ive just been really really busy OH and i have some exciting news  i hit over 100 readers!!!!!! thank you guys so much and tell me what you think

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2013 ⏰

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