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War Games never went well for the Fifth Cohort. 

They were always on the losing side, and always given the worst jobs. Delilah always tried to put up a fight, get them some role of importance, but those self-righteous Third Cohort Centurions were a pain in her ass. They'd never really liked her much, and this showed by how the Fifth were given the suckiest of suckiest jobs. 

"Okay legionnaires, listen up!" Delilah announced as she and Gwen arrived back to their Cohort to deliver the plan. "They're throwing us at the walls first to soften up the defences."

As expected, they all groaned in annoyance and disappointment, though Delilah really didn't know why they expected any different.

"I know, I know, but maybe this time we'll have some luck!" Gwen said brightly though the Fifth didn't really buy it. The daughter of Ceres was always the more optimistic of the two which Delilah was fine with because she didn't have an optimistic bone in her body. 

"Okay. So, first line go with Gwen. Lock shields and advance in turtle formation to the main gates. Draw their fire. Stick together and just... try to stay alive." Delilah gave orders to the first part of the Cohort, before turning to the others. "Second line. You take charge of the elephant and the scaling ladders. Try a flanking attack on the western wall. Maybe we can spread the defenders too thin. Bobby you lead them."

Bobby, the legacy of Mercury who'd been in the Fifth for just a couple of years less than Delilah, nodded. 

"You three," Delilah pointed to Percy, Hazel and Frank, who stood at the back of the Cohort. "You're with me. We're gonna try something a little different."

The three demigods exchanged looks, seeming very confused but Delilah continued, "If anyone can get over the wall first, I'll damn well make sure you're awarded the Mural Crown. Victory for the Fifth!" They let out a half-hearted cheer, which Delilah appreciated, before breaking rank and following Gwen and Bobby respectively to their assigned areas. 

With the others gone, Delilah walked towards Percy, Hazel and Frank.

"What's the Mural Crown?" She heard Percy ask Frank as reached them. 

"Military medal. Big honour for the first soldier to breach an enemy fort. Delilah's the only one here to actually get one." Frank explained, pointing to Delilah's armour where her Mural Crown was pinned on.

"Woah, how'd you get it?" Percy turned to her, eyes drawn to the badge.

"Two years ago, just before I became Centurion. Me and Jason broke through the defence and climbed over the wall. He had to deal with some scragglers, but I led the way over the wall. We managed to get to the banners, and won for the Fifth." Delilah explained proudly as she remembered that day. Her and Jason had been a force to be reckoned with, him encompassed with lightning to zap anyone who even came near, her with an aura of drowsiness surrounding her to put all her opponents to sleep or at least to weaken them so they could easily be put down with a light hit. It had been a sight to behold.

"Not that I'm not happy you chose us, but why? And also what are we doing?" Hazel asked her nervously. 

Delilah sighed. "Look, the Fifth always loses. And we always do the same thing every time. Things in Camp Jupiter are changing, and so far you three have been at the centre of it. So I'm thinking something different might actually give us a shot." Percy was obviously a powerful demigod, especially given what Juno said about him. She had a feeling Hazel was more powerful than she let on, especially if the rumours were true (which given Delilah's experiences and the truth of the rumours about herself, probably were). And Frank, well he didn't seem like much, but she had this gut instinct about him like he was more than he seemed. The three of them had potential. And Delilah was gonna use that the best she could.

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