6. Sportsmanship

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I make a quick assessment of my environment as I step down from my ride in the school's parking lot. It's sports day at Winston's College today.

A lot of kids are milling about the place, alighting from different kinds of cars.
A couple of them are dressed like myself; cream colored t-shirt with a black tracksuit and a pair of white socks and sneakers to match, as is stated in the school's prospectus and code of conduct book.

I said a couple because basically three-quarter of the students out here are donning outfits that are way against the school's dress code.

I see some in basketball tops over baggy t-shirts, with the trunks replaced by either ripped jeans trousers or fancier leggings. And to complete the look there's a show of even fancier and more expensive looking footwear on their feet. It's almost like there's some mad competition for "most expensive footwear in school". Some are not wearing anything sports related at all!.

I shake my head and gradually proceed to the entrance of my classroom block. I take my eyes off the road for a while to look at my wristwatch and like prey before a lion, I am hijacked by Cassandra and her "soul sisters".

'Can this day get any worse.', I muse to myself.

"Hello cupcake. Hope you slept well?. Why didn't you pick up my calls this morning?.", Cassandra drools on without giving me a break to reply her first question.

I think of a quick excuse. "My phone was on silent so I probably didn't hear it ring. I'm sorry about that though."

Truth is, I did hear my phone ring, thirty minutes before five am!!. What normal person calls someone by four-thirty am in the morning. I woke up earlier than planned, all thanks to her.

"It's okay. I can't stay angry for too long, especially not with my cupcake.
How do I look?".

I'm a little tongue-tied here. She's wearing a crop top under a denim jacket with matching ripped denim shorts. The rest of her legs are covered by net-leggings that end in a pair of Balenciaga sneakers. She's also wearing makeup and I'm left wondering how on earth she was able to get it on before coming to school. And most outrageously, how on earth did the security let her in?!.

I want to say she looks adorable but I know there's a monster sitting beneath all that facade.

"Nice?", I end up saying, unsure of her reaction.

"That's it?. Just nice?. Look around you Obiajulu. Do any of the girls look half as gorgeous as I do?. And you're gonna say 'nice'?."

At this point I don't know what to say. Crystal and Chelsea are already giggling behind her. Chelsea decides to save me by mouthing the word "fabulous".

"Fabulous?", I offer quickly and earn a broad grin from her.

"You really think so cupcake?", she coos, her voice dripping with affection. I'm almost shocked at the spontaneous change in her countenance. This girl deserves a Grammy.

We make a quick detour to the classroom where I drop my bag and then head for the assembly grounds. Cassandra and her soul sisters leave me to join the girls' line and I heave a sigh of relief.

As we march back to the classroom, Thompson and Gregory slip into my sides and the one gives me a nudge in the side and goes all smiles like we've known each other for a long time.

'Weird', I think to myself as I return his smile with shades of anxiety hanging at the corners of my mouth.

"What's up buddy", Gregory goes, and is echoed by his friend.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2021 ⏰

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