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School has started and-oh my God I disappeared again sorry about that heh.....

Oh right the story

Tubbo with voices but it's nice pog


The feeling of warmth sprang up my side as Tommy rolled over, moving closer to me and draping his hand over my chest, his wings almost tickling my face. I could feel him tensing at some points, he was having a bad dream we both got them. Tommy would never tell me what his ones were about. I think I'm one of the few people that actually can get through to Tommy when he's either in a rage, protective, or having a panic attack.

I turned over to face him, he was a mess. His blonde hair was all over the place and still not cut from his exile. The tints of blue and shades of red of his feathers puffed near me. I could see the sweat on his forehead forming. I bring him into my arms and lay there. I feel his hands on my pajamas tighten. "Shhh" I hushed while stroking along his spine. This did nothing to calm him down, Tommy's breath had picked up and his legs coiled around mine.

It was almost sunrise so I guess it would be ok if I woke him up. I placed my hands on the taller blonde's stomach and bounced up and down. Tommy's eyes fluttered slightly open then closed once again. "Tommy" I whispered. His hand came up to mine and slapped it away. Tommy woke up with a jolt looking like he was scared of me.

I realized exactly what happened. "Tommy it was just a nightmare, it's not real" I reassured. Tommy's eyes wander around the room processing where he was. Once he knew we were in Snowchester he nodded his head. "Sorry," he said. I held my hands out asking if I could play with his wings. Tommy thought about this for a second and hesitantly folded the pair behind his back.

As soon as I was behind the avain he reluctantly gave me permission to touch one. I accidentally pulled a little hard on it and Tommy yanked them back. He gave it back to me for a second time. My fingers tracing through every single feather. Tommy was shaking a little when he grabbed his hair. Immediately I let go of him and asked if I could trim his locks. He gave a shaky nod so I went to go find my scissors.

They weren't that hard to find, I like to keep my house neat and organized. I retrieved the rather sharp pair of scissors and returned to Tommy. I held the tool in front of his face to let him see what I was doing. It was going well, his hair looking like it did when we both fought for L'manberg but out of nowhere, Tommy let out a yelp of terror. He turned around to me and locked eyes with the scissors in my hand.

As if he was electronic he got to his feet and started to back away from me. His eyes turning a grayish colour showing true fear. Tommy's hands forced his wings behind his back trying to hide them.

It's the scissors, throw them away.

A voice trailed in the back of my mind.

Who are you?

I asked completely genuine

I'm just a voice in your head that helps your friendships, now listen to me and throw away the scissors.

I did as the unidentified person said and threw my pair of scissors onto my bed. Tommy was now shrieking "PLEASE DON'T! I'M SORRY! NOT MY WINGS!" He shouted, still clinging onto his wings almost trying to force them away. I reached out for the voice.

What do I do now? How do I help him?

The mysterious voice responded very quickly

He's having a flashback you've done nothing wrong. Just maybe let it play, don't make things worse.

What kind of advice is that? I want to help.

Do what you want just don't blame me if things go south.

I reached for Tommy's shoulder and he flinched away pulling out a sword. "S-s-stay aw-way," he told me. I dropped everything that I had on me to the floor and approached Tommy with my hands in the air.

He needs to hear your voice. Prove that it's you. Tell him what's around him like his surroundings.

"Tommy you're in Snowchester, in a wood house, it's snowing outside" I proceeded Tommy only screamed more and louder.

Don't mention wood.

How do you know how to deal with this more than I do?

I got no answer so I continued on "it's me Tubbo, the one who umm" What are some happy memories? "The one who made the bench with you. Remember the bench?" I started to hum the tune of Cat. The music disk that we would listen to together. Tommy put his sword away and his eyes faded back to the light glossy blue, I sighed in relief. "I'm so sorry Tubbs, I didn't mean to scare you like that" I let out a laugh "I'm the one who scared you."

I didn't know much about panic attacks, or even what I did to trigger them. "What did I do?" I questioned all Tommy did was shake his head. "You don't need to know" I stomp my foot down and get closer to him "this isn't one of those times where you think you can just brush me off Tommy, what did I do to trigger it?" Tommy looked at me with confusion. He's used to me just letting him go "I'm fine Tubbs no need to worry" this got me a little more upset. I grabbed onto his shirt and pulled him down to my height.

"TommyInnit Simons I'm your best friend I know when you need to talk about things and now is that time." I remembered Tommy's panic started with the scissors "what happened with the scissors Tommy?" He let out a sigh and turned around "I-I" another sigh "I can't" I ran to him before he could go out the door, my hands gripping onto Tommy's wrist and pulling him back to the bed. "You can't always run away from your problems, especially with me," I tell him. Tommy looked at me then his gaze went to the floor "I don't want to say anything" he mumbled. I cupped both sides of his face "sometimes you need to get some things off your chest. It's ok, you can trust me." 

Tommy sat up from my touch and sat in front of me. Tears made there way down "D-Dream....c-c" he gets out before he grabs my shirt and pulls me forward, burying his face into my chest. "Dream he-he tried to cut them" I wrap my arms around him and think to myself. Oh my God, that must've been horrible.

"Well, you're safe now, Dream is in prison" Tommy nods and we both walk outside to enjoy the snowflakes falling down to the soft floor.

The ending was rushed sorry. I'll put Tommy with voices soon don't worry.

If your in high school than just don't read what I'm about to type.

I said go away

Well it's your fault


Have a great day/night

Luv you *hugs*

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2021 ⏰

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