C20: King of the Base

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The next day we were all gathered at the table for a meeting.

"So Baekhyun hyung called me and he said that SuperM needs to be in Landorson Kingdom by the end of this month"

I raised my hand. "Sorry to interrupt, but what's SuperM and who's Baekhyun?"

"Taeyong, I think we forgot to explain that to her", said Doyoung.

"Alright then. So SuperM is a smaller group that does missions in America. The only difference is only four of us are a part of it; Me, Mark, and Ten. The others are from different gangs. That would include Baekhyun and Kai from EXO and Taemin from Shinee. Every few years we would team up and I guess it's this year's turn."

"Cool. So who's in charge of the group then if you're not here?"

"That's what King of the Base is for", said Doyoung. "We do a week's worth of challenges and tests to see who is fit to be in the leader role. The person with the most points becomes king."

Jeno intervened. "It's a lot harder than you think though. All the tests aren't planned and we don't know what they are going to evaluate"

"Who are all the judges?"

"All the members who are going with SuperM and anyone that doesn't want to participate", said Renjun.

"Sounds fun. I'm in"

"Ok then", said Taeyong, "Anyone participating put your name on this paper"

All the members started putting their names on it.

"I don't feel like participating this time", said Jaehyun.

"What! No way!", said Mark.

"That means it's anyone's game now", said WinWin.

"What do you mean by that?"

"You see, Jaehyun always wins whenever he participates. The years he doesn't mean we have a chance."

"So who's all been king?"

"Let's see, Jaehyun mostly, Yuta twice, Doyoung twice, and then me, Renjun, Taeil, and Haechan all did once"

"When does it start?"

"Um, tomorrow morning", said Taeyong.

"Gotcha" I leaned over to whisper to WinWin. "Keep your eyes open. I bet you 20 bucks it starts today"

"Thanks bestie" We both smiled and made our way to sign the paper.

So after some time, more information was given to me and I figured out everything. The judges would be Taeyong, Mark, Ten, Jaehyun, Jaemin, and Jungwoo. Jaehyun, Jaemin, and Jungwoo decided to skip out on it. They would be judging based on agility, strength, stealth, intelligence, and courage. I kept my eyes open for the rest of the day since I had a gut feeling it wouldn't start tomorrow.

It was around 10 pm when I needed to use the bathroom. I got up and went to the bathroom. Ater, I felt hungry so I went downstairs. I searched through the fridge and noticed a chocolate cake. It had a note:

Leftover cake from a party I went to. First come first serve.

"Really Jaemin? You can come out now"

"Ok. First off, How did you know I was here?" Jaemin came out of his hiding spot, which was underneath a heap of blankets on the couch.

"Your door was open when I left my room. Also there is no way you went to a party."

"True. I guess that means 5 points for you"

"Niceee. I just wish you didn't have to waste a good piece of cake with malic acid" He stared at me with an impressed face. "Jeno found the container in your room"

"Well, I think Taeyong got some pistachio gelato in the freezer if you're still hungry"

"I also saw that this morning" I opened the fridge and pulled out the gelato. I got two spoons and opened the container. I took a spoonful and looked at it before giving it to Jaemin. "You first"

Note 8: Never take things that are given to you without checking the motive.

"You're so smart" He took a bite and swallowed it. "It's safe"

"I thought so. I just wanted to check just in case"

Let the games begin.

Cute lil side quest for the story😝

Royalty Rebel/NCT Gang OT22Where stories live. Discover now