ch.1 the desert

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y/n's pov.

The blazing sun was just about to set as I got back to my city made of sandstone, people getting ready to go to bed because once the sun goes down the desert gets icy cold.

I get over to my house intime and close the door, and lock it with an intricate lock I commissioned from a metalworker, who was confused seeing as most people didn't have even basic locks on their homes- much less a metal one.

I sighed as cold air started to seep through the bottom of the door, I lit a fire in the fire place too keep the cold at bay as I sleep.

I walk over to my bed and flop over onto it- the wool mattress feeling much more comfortable than the hay it was before as I fall asleep.

when I wake up I make sure to put the fire out and read one of the vast amount of books and scrolls I have collected over the years.

some talk about forgein lands with oceans from horizon to horizon-
while others have wonderful storys.
but one of my many favorites is a book about two friends who grew apart because of a war.

then there's this book I have about a young man who murdered someone and had to lie and frame it on someone else. I only learned recently that this type of book is psychological, I really like it.

I continued to read and waste the time away by doing basically nothing.

then I heard noises, thumping in the sand, glass shattering, people yelling, and some screaming-
what is happening? I dont have windows on my house so I have no clue-

I peek through the cracks inbetween my door and the wall-
it seems as though dragon hunters were pillaging the city-

I turn around about to go and pack up when I heard a loud bang at my door-
I trip from the jump scare and look back at the door- the door would be much to flimsy to take on someone pounding that hard on it for much longer-

I quietly but hastily move a wooden shelf I have over to the door and push it over so it's blocking the door-
That should keep who ever that is out.

After a couple of minutes of packing the person at the door must've left...

I start to pack my book bag full of all my books and scrolls.
I call it a bag- but it looks more like a wheelbarrow-

I quietly move my shelf out of the way and unlock the lock- though I take the lock with me. It would be a waste to leave it here.

I peek out the crack to make sure nobody was waiting for me to open it- when I saw the coast was clear i barg open my door and book it- I go the way opposite of the dock because that would be the only logical place to invade from-

I dont go straight into the desert but I go to the coastline instead and I keep running until I see a small fishing shack on the outskirts of town, it just so happens I got lucky and they had a boat.

When I look around for the owners of the fishing shack it see if It was ok to join them on the boat to flee I notice a pool of red metallic sented liquid on the floor...

I stood there, unable to make a noise...
I am on a time crunch but I go outside and pick a bundle of flowers and put a small stack of four gold coins on the counter.

I picked up my book bag and headed towards to boat.

After I boarded I got out a map and I set sail to a place called "The Barbaric Archipelago... what an unusual place- I dont have much information on it seeing as it's so far..." I said aloud to myself and directed the ship towards Berserk island.

I explore the ship a bit, the oak deck was sanded so if you ran your hand on it you wouldn't get splinters.

The captains cabin was a cozy room with a desk, shelves, a bed in the next room over, and a beautiful stain glass window.

This must've been that fishing shop owners pride and joy...

I started to feel guilty I took the ship of a person who couldn't even say stop...

I sighed and wandered around for a bit on deck- thats when I noticed a snake on board... "that can't be good-" I said as I got a stick and tried to pick it up but I quickly stopped when I noticed the snake was a harmless species with no venom whatsoever.
(If you want to have a refrance try the glossy snake from southern California)

Sence it was harmless I left it alone and whent over to my books to read.

After a couple hours of reading I decided to bring my books inside the captains cabin because I've read about a storm around the Barbaric Archipelago and I wasn't taking any chances with my map wet or any of my other materials...

Once I reached the stormy wether I quickly made sure the boat didn't tip over first by tying rope around some air filled barrels and dumping them into the water like buoys.

Then to get through faster I made a propeller using materials I found in the boat. The only down side was I had to manually crank it.

Once I was finally in the Barbaric Archipelago I set sail towards Berserk island to see I they would have a village where I could stay for a while.

Normally I would've just when to any uninhabited island and survived on my own- however I would still need things so thats a nope.

I started to see more islands around- and they were covered in life and plants.

"That's so much prettier than I expected-" I said aloud to myself because I can.

As the ship kept sailing I saw Scaldron spines coming in and out of the water-
" they must be swimming with my boat- kinda like what dolphins do?" I was confused but they seemed to not mine me being there so I didn't pay much mind to them.

One of the Scaldrons poked their head from under water to look over to me staring at them in bewilderment.

I didn't have much interest in dragons but now might be a different story...

The Scaldron leaned over and let me pet their scaly emerald green face.

It was one of the most magical momments for me ever.

(End ch1)
1123 words.

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