Cause I Miss You

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Clay POV

"Yeah mom, I can pick her up as soon as I finish fixing up the house for Nick." I said.

"I could come help you after I get off?"

"No, no need. I can do it by myself plus I'll be done by the time you get off anyways. So... I love you ma but I need to finish so I can go pick up Mell." 

"Ok. I love you too puddy." We hung up. My mom kept calling me over that past week. She seemed more excited about Sapnap moving in than I did. She has always a fan of him. She knew how he helped me through school and my rough patches. She had a soft spot for him.

I put down my phone and rolled my neck to pop it. All I have left is dressing the bed and putting up the acoustic foam. Monday had been slow for me. Ever since Sapnap said he'd consider moving to Orlando last week, I had been trying to fix up the place for him in case he said yes. I bought him a new desk, a chair, and a full bedroom furniture set. I was having a hard time waiting for him to answer.

Buzz Buzz. I looked at my phone to see a message.

Sapnap 3:54pm

Discord now :/

3:55 pm Dream

Getting on now.

I walked upstairs to my room and hopped on my desktop to see he was already waiting in the vc for me.

"Hey?" I spoke first.


 "So... have you thought about it more?"

"Yeah, That's why I called. I decided that I'll come."

"Fuck yes!" I had a huge smile plastered across my face. "What took you so long to decide?"

"I just had some stuff I needed to finish up with like... my family and roommate and stuff like that."

"He isn't upset about you moving out, right?" I asked.

"Nah, AJ is fine with it."

"That's good."

"Yeh, so I have a moving company coming in tomorrow to help me ship stuff over and I was thinking the first week of January I could fly in."

I pulled up the calendar. "Sounds good I'll buy the tickets for Monday the 4th?"

"NO! NO!" I was startled by his yell. "I'll buy my ticket ok? You shouldn't buy them."

"Uh yeah sure... that's fine." I strung out the words in confusion. Why is he so panicked all of a sudden?  "Well, I actually need to go cause I gotta pick up my sister from school so..."

"Yeh, yeh. Bye, dude."

"Bye." I left the vc.

The whole engagement felt off like he was holding something back but I just shrugged it off as nerves. I understood that moving halfway across the country was a lot to handle and that he'd probably wanted to take care of it himself. I shut my desktop off and grabbed my keys deciding to finish Sapnap's room later.

Mell 4:22 pm
How much longer dumbass?

4:31 pm Puddy
Oh hi my beloved sister. Yes youre so welcome for
picking you up from soccer practic. I love you to.

Mell 4:40 pm
Shut up and come get me. I know you miss me :)

"I'm here" I whispered in her ear.

"WHAT THE F- Clay don't do that!" She punched my shoulder and I couldn't help but wheeze.

"Whatever. Let's leave before I run into-" I was interrupted.

"Clay? Clay oh my god!" Maria. Before I run into Maria.

I could feel my whole body start to cringe and curl in. I had a feeling she was still working at the school. God, why today?

"Hey Maria!" I gave a fake smile while she pulled me into a hug. She is still small. She always used that against me.

"It's been so long. It's good to see you. You look really good."

You always look good. She had a small frame and always claimed to be 5'3 but I knew she was really 5'2. Her hair was dyed strawberry blonde this time, different from the lavender she had when we were dating.

"Cough. Cough. I'm here."

"Oh. Hi Mell." Maria turned to her.

"It's Mellani to you, you whore." 

"What did you just say you little-" She shoved her finger into Mell's face. Maria and Mell never got along while we dated and it got even worse after we broke up.

"OK!" I yelled and pulled my sister away. "I'm so sorry Maria but I need to take Mell home before mom worries so... goodbye."

"Actually!" She grabbed the hem of my shirt. "Um... I was wondering if you got like a new phone or something cause I've been trying to text you recently and-"

"He blocked you." Shut up Mell. I rubbed my hand down my face and sighed.

Maria stepped back, looking hurt into my eyes. "Oh. It's just... I've been trying to message you cause I... miss you, Clay."

I cleared my throat and tried to find a way to be blunt to her, but I was always weak for Maria. Or more of that she made me weak. "It's fine. I can unblock you when I get home."

"Really? Thank you puddy." She grabbed my forearm and did a bounce of excitement.

"You don't get to call him that!" Mell jumped at Maria and I had to grab her a pull her away.

"We're leaving!" I yelled.

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