Chapter Two

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Abby's Pov
Avoiding him might be a little more harder this year then I would like. Odd I had feelings for a boy one year ahead of me, but he was the first that I opened up to, back when I was a fourth year and he was a fifth year.

He was actually a really good listener when he wasn't with his very annoying friends who were loud on purpose. We would hang out whenever we had time, sitting at one another's tables and in one another common rooms, when we shared each password.

Hogwarts always had been a small little escape for me, first the escape happened when I was allowed to move here officially since parts of my mother's family had pure blood lines. At first she was so reluctant, she resented the witch side of the family, hated it with a passion, or takes so much pleading just to get my Hogmeade's form signed, and I rarely get owls from her, my dad will do his best from time to time.

For the long run I mainly had the Weasley's as my guardians, or I would go on my own for a little.

From first entering the tent I didn't even wanna go out yet, everyone was bouncing with energy and running around but a lot of the smells of the butter popcorn and pumpkin juice.

"Viktor Krum is amazing the way he glides on the wind." I looked up a loud laugh leaving me, Ron had been in a daze since the match ended, going on the deepest rants I had ever seen in my entire life.

Sometimes I wish I could just enjoy things for once. And not be overthinking and cooking everything inside my mind.

"I think you're in love Ron." Ginny snickered at him, Harry tossed his arms around me shoving a chocolate frog between my lips which I munched on right away, now some sweets I could tolerate to a limit. Jelly beans were a god sent.

"Shut up." Ron dreamly like spoke, I listened to the loud singing and chanting putting a smile on my face for once I was just slightly relaxed.

The fireworks seemed to grow more intense the popping making everyone try and have a look outside the tent.

"Well looks like the Irish are having their fun." Fred laughed out moving the blanket over his shoulders and head more, yet it didn't take a wise man to notice the fear in Arthur's face.

"Everyone stop! That's not the Irish we need to go right now."

The wizarding world always had a little this and a little of that. By the very best day it was already time to board the train. I plopped down on the seat roughly, I changed into my robes a little early so I didn't have to struggle looking through my suitcases for hours.

"Abby you always look so uncomfortable, what's the matter now? Want some candy?" I scrunched my face up politely declining Ron's offer with a smile, fixing up my tie the best I could.

"No I don't think sweets are gonna help me Ron, but thank you though." I chuckled sitting up a little.

"I must have gained weight this summer because what the hell is this, I just got these robes and they are tight." I huffed in disbelief sitting up a bit.

Harry breathed out a small chuckle shaking his head. "I think you look perfect, stop worrying so much Abby." I stuffed my wand back into my pocket Hermione was very much engraved in her books.

"I think that's easy for you and Ron to say, you guys eat all you want and it doesn't go in unwanted areas." I grinned casually Harry just flashed me a small grin.

"She's got a point mate."

"Ronald all you do is eat." Hermione laughed out quiet like, her eyes sparkling both a bit of mischief.

I leaned forward a bit to stare at Harry very firm and serious like uttering out my next sentence. "I saw you looking at Cho you got a crush don't you?" His eyes grew so fast behind his round glasses cheeks flushed for a moment, he was quick to sputter out a fast response.

"What no impossible - I how do you always know people's names?" I leaned back crossing my leg over the other, tapping my foot a couple times.

"I don't know I'm just really observant in class, Cho.. Yeah she's a Hufflepuff." I nodded in confirmation ranking my train of thought. I know strongly for a fact that she as well had a crush on Cedric but who didn't at this point.

"You are like Hermione except with classmates." I shot Ron a casually wink snickering.

"I'm really not, She's a hufflepuff like Cedric, I just observe." I exclaimed over the laughter of everyone.

"That brings me to my next question, are you two dating? You spent some time these last few days?" I rubbed my fingers over my cheek my eyes looking out the window to stare at the foggy scenery.

"We aren't exactly dating, he's just always been there for me, little know it all he is, just a really really good friend." I nodded a bit tucking my legs under me.

A friend that I had deep feelings for.... The only friend that knew about the hidden broken me.

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