Chapter Four

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Abby's Pov
Even though I was always what I would assume is an early bird, I still never got out of the bathroom early enough, my robes still felt too tightly around the body and in other area. Yet seemed this school year I was gonna have endure the sudden weight gain, wasn't the end of the world.

Coming down from the girls dorm I already spotted Luna sitting on one of our little sofas. Her head snapped up for a moment a kind smile growing across her face.

"Hello there Luna you sleep okay?" I questioned to her plopping down to sit next to her with a small grunt, everyone already getting up and ready for their first lessons of the day or heading to get some breakfast.

"It was quite pleasant Abby, have you been resting okay? You look exhausted beyond end have the nargles been keeping you up?" A small little laugh left me gently shaking my head a couple times, I loved Luna she was so carefree I wish I had that mind seem she never bugged anyone. She kept to her own.

"No, no Luna, I have insomnia it hasn't exactly been this bad before, wonder what's going on." I muttered a little, tilting my head ranking my mind for any real shifts. Still nothing came to mind.

"Insomnia you know they say that stressful environments, home life can cause shift in behaviors and sleep partners, let's go get some breakfast." She suggested standing up offering me her arm.

I flashed her a soft smile hooking my arm with her following after her leading the way, out the common room we went and on to the staircase we were.

"Breakfast doesn't sound too bad right now, you know what I really want?" It was like I didn't even have to guess since she was already saying it in a soft tone.


"Yes Pancakes!"

"Dear Lord Abby, did you come all the way over here to just steal my food?" I was able to quickly stab at the pancake stuffing it into my mouth with one motion, moving around him to have better angles at stealing well all my friends food.

"What? I'm hungry." I defended quietly a small giggle leaving me plopping back down onto the bench after a small minute Hermione shot me a small odd look, shutting her book.

When Harry wasn't looking I sunk away one of his muffins shoving it into my mouth, Ron smacked at my hand roughly with a small playful roll to his eyes.

"Would you look at that people are already shoving their names into the Goblet Of Fire, seems like suicide to me." I lifted my cup with the Apple juice drinking the rest of it in one gulp setting it down.

"I'm actually not surprised, it's the first time Hogwarts has hosted the Triwizard Tournament, as well as housing two other schools. Its so crowded this year." I dramatically whined out, letting a small yelp out when Harry flicked my forehead with a soft laugh, yanking his hair away.

"Abby isn't that your owl?" He questioned I flicked my head up to face the ceiling ducking a little watching the little brown and white spotted owl came soaring down dropping off a letter which I caught in mid air staring at it.

My mood dampened just slightly seeing it was from my mom.

"Just something from my mom." I plopped back down with a grumble flipping the letter around ripping off the little red seal, scanning the contents of the letters.

Abby so I know you've started your new year at Hogwarts, not gonna lie and say I think you would have given up on all that learning and what not. I hope you are being good with the families you are staying with don't be a nuisances, or talk back, or all the things you do when here. In fact are you ever gonna come visit.

My mom sure could ramble a lot and dampen your mood. I folded up the letter placing it away, into my robes pocket checking to make sure I didn't forget my wand, tuning back into the conversation between the trio. I don't think I've ever know three of the younger years to ever get into as much trouble as they did.

I looked over my shoulder for a minute very much feeling someone eyes on me. And there and behold of course I'm not shocked it's Cedric, he could be a whole shifted different person when he wasn't with his friends. We locked eyes for a moment and he shot me a knowing look for us to talk whenever.

May it be he is one of the full people who I told about my home life back in America, I waved him off with a quick head nod, I spun back around just in time for one of Hermoine's little cute rambling sessions, but that was long cut short when I felt my food was rushing back up so quick like.

"Ugh! I gotta go." I quickly stammered out standing up slamming my hand over my mouth, grabbing my potions book rushing out the great hall shouting goodbye as quickly as I could.

"Harry you so owe me some money, I told you she was gonna puke mixing all that food bloody woman was mad."

"No Ron, it's something else."

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