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Too soon it was time to head back to Hogwarts. Petunia hadn't even said goodbye to her sisters before they boarded the train back to school.

The atmosphere at Hogwarts was noticeably different. Over the break many kids didn't return, one muggle-born student was killed.

Dumbledore made an inspiring speech for the first feast back as a student body but it didn't do much to ease the tension. Both Lily and Rose were anxious and afraid.

Their friends were terrified for the girls. They were the most vulnerable among them. The rest were purebloods or at least half-bloods.

Rose threw herself into schoolwork and quidditch training to distract herself. Every waking moment she was either studying or practicing, squeezing in time to hang out with Severus and Lily, and have time alone with Marlene.

The team won their last two matches against Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw but because of their previous loss, came second for the Quidditch cup, losing sorely to Slytherin.

With all of the studying, full moons with Remus left Rose exhausted and her friends suspicious. And with O.W.L. examinations coming closer, Rose was an entire ball of stress.

It was April when it was time for the fifth-years to begin deciding what career path they wanted to follow. This would determine which subjects they needed to do well in.

Marlene spent many nights venting to Rose about her lack of direction. "I'm probably going to fail all of my O.W.L.'s and even then I don't even know what I want to do," she complained in a huff.

"That's what this meeting is for, Mar. Besides, I'm sure you'll be fine. Everything will turn out fine," Rose tried to assure as she finished up an essay.

"Easy for you to say, Miss. genius," Marlene mocked.

"Then study with me," Rose replied an eyebrow cocked.

"Yeah. No," Marlene responded, closing her eyes. Rose shook her head.


Lily was the first of the twins to be called to McGonagall's office. Her aspiration was surprisingly to be teacher or an auror. Rose had a sneaking suspicion it was because she admired a certain Potter.

Although Lily thought the boy was an arrogant toe rag, she admired the way he fiercely stood up for his friends.

When Lily was done she retrieved her sister and wished Rose good luck. Rose walked through the castle until she found the office she was looking for and walked inside.

McGonagall looked up as the girl entered and smiled. "Rose, have a seat," she promoted. Rose did as asked and took a seat, flattening out her skirt.

"So, how's fifth year treating you?" McGonagall questioned Rose, starting with small talk.

"It's been good. A little busy and disappointing," Rose replied honestly, referring to the quidditch loss. The professor nodded in understanding.

The older witch pulled up her glasses and looked at Rose's academic file. "I've got to say, Miss. Evans, like your sister, you have an excellent record. Have you thought about any careers that interest you?" McGonagall began, looking at Rose.

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