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Lily and Rose made it back to their dorm in record time. Both twins were extremely hurt by their friends betrayal.

"How could we be so stupid?" Lily exclaimed, wiping an angry tear away as she sat on her bed.

"I thought he was our friend! We trusted him!" Rose exclaimed, sitting next to her sister. She placed an arm around Lily, both sharing the pain.

"I swear I'm gonna hex the pants off of him-" Marlene exclaimed. Rose grabbed her arm and shook her head.

"No. It's done. We're done with him," she said sadly.

"You better be. Besides, Black and Potter already got him good for that one too-" that sentence from Marlene ignited a new fire in the twins.

"Ugh! And those two! How stupid and immature!" Rose exclaimed, angry at all parties involved.

"Hey! They're not as bad as Snape! They didn't call you that!" Alice said softly, trying to defend the boys slightly.

"No. If they hadn't been bullying him he wouldn't have said that. Stupid boys," Rose said while shaking her head. She angrily wiped her eyes, annoyed these boys made her cry.

"I know he can be immature sometimes-" Marlene began but Lily had more to say.

"Sometimes?! You know, if Potter liked me, he wouldn't go around hexing my friends just because! Or constantly asking me out in hopes to wear me down! He's just an arrogant, immature, stupid toe-rag!" Lily exploded before flopping down back on the bed.

Rose hated seeing her twin in such pain. Hated the boys for what they did, how they acted.

She was determined to deal with the boys once and for all. Rose knew James truly did like Lily but he had no common sense, his methods were not what Lily wanted. They needed to be talked to, sternly.

The girl stood and wiped her eyes, breathing deeply. She walked toward the door.

"Where are you going?" Lily asked, her teary green eyes meeting Rose's.

"To put some stupid toerags in their place," Rose responded coldly before opening and closing the door.

She walked down the stairs into the Common Room and saw Remus pacing. A new anger arose in her as she approached. The boy spotted her and had worry all over his face.

"Are you and Lily okay?" Remus asked quickly. Rose couldn't believe him.

"Oh, you're talking to me now?" She knew it was childish but she was angry at him.

"What?" Remus asked, oblivious. Maybe he was dumber than Rose thought.

"Ugh, never mind. Where are the other boys?" Rose shook her head and asked Remus briskly.

"In detention."

"And you're not with them because...?" Rose asked the boy impatiently.

"Well, like McGonagall said, I didn't technically do anything-" Remus began to say as if it was some great thing, like he had outsmarted the system.

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