Chapter 2

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Talia p.o.v

My mates a rogue? Dad's gonna have a fit but then again mum was technically a rogue when they meet. We gaze at each other before Damon pushes his head downwards.

Damon - don't stare at the princess like that rogue!!

Ice lets out a growl without me even realising it I was fighting her back since someone hurt our mate but Damon is a good friend and one of my sisters mates so I can't let Ice hurt him.

Talia - enough Damon.

All three boys look at me with a confused look bit after a second Leos eyes widen.

Leo - Talia is he your.....?

Talia - yes Leo.

Leo looks to Damon and Azrael.

Leo - let him go he won't run. Right?

My mate nods I realise I don't even know his name so as the boys let him go I cautiously approach him as he stands once I am close I scan his face. Ice's voice comes though the mind link.

(Ice - mates very hot I wonder how big he is.

Talia - ice for god sake we just met him and we don't even know his name.

Ice - well ask him dam ass.

Talia - I was going to when you interrupted me.)

She huffs at me, I look up into my mates beautiful brown eyes.

Talia - what's your name?

John - John Snow

So my mates called John Snow I can hear Ice dancing around all happy in my head nearly giving me a headache.

Talia - I am Talia Quinn

I gently take his hand in mine and I feel the sparkes when our fingers touch his eyes go grey so I know he's talking to his wolf then his eyes go back to normal.

John - he said you are the princess?

Talia - yes that's right.

He steps back from me and I hear Ice whimper sadly.

John - I can't be your mate I am so sorry your  grace.

He bends down going on one knee but what does he mean he can't be my mate!? What the actually fuck!? This whole time Damon and Azrael were both shocked that he was my mate they both have went and stood next to Leo. Leo gently pulls me back then stands in front of me I can feel Leo is annoyed right now I just wish I knew why John didn't want me.

Leo - what do you want in our territory?

John keeps his head down as he answers my twin.

John - I am here because I am searching.

Searching? What could he be searching for?

Leo - what are you searching for?

John - it's...... A personal matter.

I feel a mind link with the boys opening.

(Damon - he's got to be lying.

Azrael - about what? Being Talia's mate or that he's looking for someone.

Damon - oh please we all know rogues are liars.

Azrael - Damon have your dumb ass forgotten that both mine and the twins mum the Luna Queen were rogues.

Damon - ohh......right sorry guys but I don't trust this guy.

Azrael - you don't trust anyone not even Raven.

Damon - don't you dare!!)

Leo interrupts them before things get more heated.

(Leo - enough you two, we will take him back to the pack house I will call my dad to figure out what to do.

Azrael - yes alpha.

Damon - yes alpha.)

Damon and Azrael go up to john who's still on one knees.

Damon - let's go move it rouge.

Azrael - he has a name Jackass use it.

Damon rolls his eyes as they lift John up then takes him away as they pass us I make eye contact with john who mouths to me "am sorry" before going with the guys towards the pack  house. I feel a hand on my shoulder so I look to see Leo giving me a concerned look.

Leo - you ok sis?

Talia - he doesn't want me Leo.

Leo - he didn't actually reject you tho, he only said he can't so there must be a reason why don't give up hope

We head back to the house maybe Leo is right but then again maybe he's wrong and john just doesn't want me cuz of my high rank? Or maybe he already has someone that made my blood boil fine she can have him I am not gonna chase after someone who doesn't even want me but he was made for me and Ice I need answers I will have  them.

(A/N Really short I know but they will get longer as we go)

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