Chapter 16

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John p.o.v

No, No, No!!! This can't be happening right now I can't lose Talia to the Vampire king not after losing my family to him I walk away from her family frustrated. Questions start running through my head, how can I let this happen? What can I do? What could he want with her? Surely he doesn't know she's my mate or knows what I am?.

(Ghost - John we have to find our mate!!

Ghost's voice breaks my train of thought.

John - I know but how? The smoke has messed up my sense of smell.

Ghost - let me try mine is better.)

He goes quiet for a minute then comes back.

(Ghost - I've got it, Toffee and chocolate with a mixture of a vampire he must be carrying her.

John - which way?

Ghost - north.

John - good let's get some stuff the go before the trail gets cold.)

What I found strange about the fire was that it was only in the one part of the house most of it was only slightly burned but the part that was must burned was the area where the shelter was but I have no time to figure that out now I have to go after Talia. I go to the room I am staying in to pack a backpack only to hear footsteps behind me so I quickly turn to see Leo and the others standing there I go back to my packing as I talk to them.

John - don't try to stop me I am going after talia.

Leo - we aren't trying to stop you.

Skylar - in fact, we are going too.

I quickly look back to them I can't risk their safety too.

John - no.

Raven - what do you mean no?

John - I am not going to risk your safety Talia is my mate I have to go after her.

Rosie - we know that John.

Cole - you do realise Talia is not only your mate but our friend/cousin/Luna Princess.

Leo - not to mention she's my twin.

Raven - and my sister.

Azrael - you can't fight those vampires alone.

I sigh before answering them.

John - I know you guys mean well but I have to do this alone.

Leo - well that's too bad since dads have already given us permission to go.

John - but......

Leo - no buts John we are going with or without you.

I've definitely lost this fight so I agree to let them come but on one condition that if things get really bad Azrael and Damon take Raven and Ruby to safety. We get done finished packing then Scarlett gives us some food for our trip and we say goodbye to everyone before we set off. Once we are away from the pack house Ghost is quick to pick up Talia's scent of toffee and chocolate we head off for the north I have a feeling I know where she is heading........Vampire territory. I've been there already do I know my way around, however, the only place haven't been or even seen is where the vampire king lives, Blake has also asked Morgan and Axel to come with us, Blaze stayed to help out to be honest I believe that Blake was relieved that Axel was coming with us since they don't like each other. I will rip Victor head off when I get my hands on him for taking Talia I hope we get there before he hurts her.

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