Chapter 7

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Talia p.o.v

We were all waiting for dads reaction his eyes are all clouded which means his mind linking mum since her eyes are the same they always do that when they want to talk be can't be fucked leaving the room the two guards take John out of the room not sure where they are taking him tho
Beta Connor is starts taking to me as we chat.

Connor - so I was right

Amy - what do you mean baby?

Connor - I had a feeling that he had a mate here but wasn't sure who it was.

Bella - I guess that does makes sense.

Ryan - Blake is gonna lose his shit over a mangy rogue being mates with one of his precious daughters.

Talia - jezz thanks uncle Ryan.

Leo - let's not forget uncle Ryan that mum was technically a rogue when they first met.

Amy - your mum wasn't a rogue she was a run away completely different thing.

Talia - maybe but I am trying to work out something.

Leo - like what sis?, he seems a good guy strange guy.

Talia - no Leo its just I am trying to figure out his story.

Connor - I am sure he will tell you in time Talia.

I look to Connor what does he mean by that? Does he know something I don't.

Talia - do you know something I don't uncle Connor?

Connor - Talia its not my place to tell you.

Say what now?! I go to answer when dad and mum come out of their mind link stopping me from saying a word. Uncle Ryan has to open his sassy mouth.

Ryan - welcome back.

Scarlett - shut up Ryan.

Dad looks to me.

Blake - may I talk to my daughter alone.

Crap I am dead both Leo's then Ice voices come though the mind link as everyone hesitantly start to get up and go out the room apart from mum.

(Leo - been nice knowing you sis.

Talia - very funny Leo, if he kills me you better take care off Rosie or I will come back and haunt your ass.)

He leaves the room then comes Ice's voice.

(Ice - he won't kill you silly human but if he does I want to go for one last run.

Talia - what should I do?

Ice - he's our father he obviously wants us to be happy.

Talia - with a mate we don't even know?

Ice - we will know him in time you promised remember?

Talia - yeah I remember Ice I just dunno if it will work.

Ice - he was made for us.

Talia - what if the moon goddess made a mistake?

Ice - Talia the moon goddess doesn't make mistakes now talk to our father before he blows.

Talia - thanks for the advice Ice.

Ice - anytime babe that's what I am here for.)

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