Chapter 21

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John p.o.v

It took us 3 fucking days to reach the border of the vampire territory we had to stop for a rest now and then luckily we stayed in our wolf forms for both to rest and hunt. Myself and Sebastian have got our family mind link back at first I wasn't sure if he was telling the truth but after our heart to heart yesterday we seemed to have grown closer again even tho it's still early days. Ghost and Apollo are happy to have their brothers back but Ghost is still worried for Ice tho as I am for Talia I hope she is ok and safe I miss her so much I can't wait to have her in my arms again. We have come to the edge of the vampire territory according to laws we have to be in human forms to cross the border which is a pain in the ass after we shift back and put on some clothes we go to step into their land but get stopped by some vampires.

Vampire 1 - what is your business here mutts?

Leo steps forward in front of us.

Leo - we are here on business stand aside.

Vampire 2 - what kind of business?

Leo - that's none of your business.

Vampire 1 - disrespectful mutts, no respect whatsoever.

That causes us to let out a growl and if things could get any worse Damon opens his mouth.

Damon - what would a bloodsucker know about respect?

Leo looks around to him and shakes his head no but I know he has a point must vampires have no respect not even for their own kind but some actually are respectful of the laws and the treaty that was set up between the high vampire lords and the alpha king but unfortunately cuz of the vampire kings attacks on packs he was taken out of it so no werewolf and the vampires who have stuck by it trust him anymore but who do these one's service? Ghosts voice comes through the mind link.

(Ghost - as much as I would love to sink my teeth into these fuckers we don't know if they work for him and I can feel you want to kill them as well.

John - as much as I want to we can't not until we know)

I step forward and stand next to Leo who's eyes I can feel on me.

John - whom do you vampires service?

They all look at each other before answering me.

Vampire 3 - we service mistress Selena.

Oh just fucking great (!) Why did it have to be her?   Just at that moment, a figure stands out from behind the tree line.

Oh just fucking great (!) Why did it have to be her?   Just at that moment, a figure stands out from behind the tree line

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Mistress Selena

Mistress Selena - well well if it isn't my favourite little.....

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