The Domino Effect

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It was morning, Y/n,Anne and Sprig were out on a field playing a game of baseball with a makeshift bat and a watermelon.Sprig tossed it to Anne who cut it by accident causing it to fly on Y/n who was supposed to catch it as a whole." Oh great," Y/n said as the makeshift bat sliced pass Sprig and into a tree.It cut his hat revealing he had orange hair.

" Wait you have hair? " Anne questioned.

" Hey sorry about your hat, " Anne apologizes as the three search for there equipment," Oh!There it is! " Anne says pointing to the item lodged in the tree.


Anne had halted everyone when she had heard the sound," Shhhh,do you hear something? " She questions until she hears the sound again before gasping.

" Something's in trouble! " Anne says as the three race towards the noise to see giant hornets were hovering over a creature stuck in the mud and trying to strike it.Anne gasped," Oh my gosh!We have to save her, " Anne states as she runs in and pulls the creature from the mud." Gotcha! " Anne says just as the Hornets strike around her and miss." Oops,gotta go! " she says getting up with the creature and running.Sprig had sling shot stones at the Hornets as Anne raced back towards the two.

" Let's go! " Anne says as she and Y/n make a break for it.

" Sprig out! " Sprig says hopping back into the woods.

" You're safe now little fella, " Anne states before looking at the cat like creature in complete adoration.

" Oh boy, " Y/n states knowing what might happen.

" What's wrong?Are you stung?We'll have to amputee! " Sprig said ready to slice Anne's arm but Anne quickly stopped him.

" No,this caterpillar looks exactly like my pet Domino from back home, " Anne says showing them a picture of her regular cat and comparing it to the caterpillar she had in her hand.

" I love my cat more than anything in the world,she was irreplaceable,but now I found a replacement.Let's take her home with us! " Anne explains as Y/n and Sprig give her a look.

" Absolutely not! " Y/n says.

" Why not?Don't you have a pet you wish you could have here? " Anne questioned.

" I had a pet python that my parent let me keep,god knows why,and now my poor (Insert Pet name) has probably got out and is eating dogs.So no, " Y/n says defiantly as Anne shudders.

" Eh,I don't know Anne,that's a wild animal. I'm not sure bringing it home is a good idea, " Sprig steps in.

" Psh,that's ridiculous.My cat back home was a stray before I adopted her,all it takes is love and patience- "

" A trip to the hospital ," Y/n says as Anne ignores her continuing,

" "

" You said love twice, " Sprig said as Anne held the caterpillar up to Sprig's face,the caterpillar proceeds to lick him.

" Sold! " Sprig says as Y/n face palms.

" It's settled,I here by dub the Domino 2,come on girl let's go home, " Anne says as they start walking but the caterpillar doesn't follow,instead it purrs and falls over.

" Uhh,is it broken? " Sprig questions as Anne proceeds to pull a cat toy from her backpack.

" This worked without fail on Domino 1, " she says jiggling the toy and creating a bell sound.Domino 2 and Sprig stared at the toy awestruck as they followed Anne." I want it,give it to me, " Sprig says as Y/n couldn't help but chuckle at his reaction.

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