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The boy wakes himself in an unfamiliar place.

But despite with his sudden urge to grab for air, a faded blue ribbon was strapped to his mouth tightly while being a little wet from his drool and saliva staining.

He was confused.

He doesn't remember a lot from today... or yesterday... or was it the day after?

How long have I been here?

This shady room has been pitch black since he woken up. And since he felt his body in a sitting position while something tied his wrists and ankles to what he presumed was a chair, there was only one thing that made since.

...I've been kidnapped...

...Cough... Cough...

His chapped lips coughed weakly, his dry throat yearned for something to hydrate as his stomach growled for food.

I definitely been here for a day or so...

The h/c was confident, he was only able to get a banana in his system from the last time he remembered he ate. His younger sister really loved her silly little cartoonish cereal and since there was only a bowl left for them, Y/n chose her over himself.

Now he's here, starving, thirsty, stiff from the longing sitting position he stayed in. Mostly hungry, but he did not regret making his sister's day a little better.


He believes he can endure it.

As long as the little luck he always have would just stick by him a little longer, he would be just fine.


His tiresome e/c eyes would dart their attention to a spooky noise which turns out to be a door.

The light from the hallway emits slowly with the door slowly opening, a figure in a mask comes walking in with a tray. By the shadow silhouette, he can faintly tell that this was a woman.

Who was it?

...I'm too tired to even think...

With a small sigh he could muster from his gag, the woman approaches him and sets the tray down on her table, walking close to his face and stared. Then her arms would reach around his head and starts fiddling around with the gag until it fell loose and drop down around his neck.

Cough! Cou-


"Shut the fuck up..."

The shady figure would smack her hand on the boy's free mouth before his coughs became muffled and sloppy. To confirm his suspicion, the figure also had a woman's voice which doesn't seem to benefit him any way. He was tied up and her identity sealed as her hand would move away after his coughs were no more.

He only let out a small breath.

"You're starving me and leaving me to thirst... Of course my body's going to beg for something in their system..."

Once again he coughs softly.

Not before a spoon comes crawling into Y/n's mouth and be met with a steaming result. He would spit the watery contents out and cough some more, feeling the glare from the woman from under the mask and frowned.

"Let me blow... the freaking soup, man..." he asked in a not so polite manner as he earned nothing but a small wince back.

But he could tell that it wasn't because she was scared.

"You don't scare me with your sanpaku eyes..."

"Everything isn't what it seems from just vision alone..."

"Clearly I'm not scared because I'm not the one tied to a chair..."

"Oh, everything would turn out different if I wasn't, huh?"

"Just shut up and eat your damn soup before it 'falls' from my hand..."

Y/n knew he lost this argument.

Of course if things were altered and he was free from this binds, he knows that he'd just be free and be home.

Those were his thoughts right now while eating his soup, imagining how things even escalated this high to begin with. He didn't have any enemies, there was nobody he ruined their day, let alone a girl's.

So why was he tied up?

He needed to get home so he didn't have to worry about his mother and his younger sister.


...That's right... I was supposed to bring Airi to get ice cream with Komi... She was really excited when I told her we were going after school...


"...How long?"

During his feeding time, the girl just stopped and stares at him for a second.

"...How long... have I been in here?"


All the masked figure did was look away.


She gives him an answer but wasn't very specific after 'two'.

"...Two? Two hours?"

She shakes her head.


Now it was a nod as the boy just scoffed softly.

He wanted to say it was false but how would he know it wasn't at least two days?

"...Jesus..." he just accepts it and before he knew it, meal time was over. The girl would set the bowl down and walk around the hungry-satisfied boy and wrapped around the gag to his mouth.

"...Thanks... for the meal..."

Not without Y/n thanked her for giving him some nutrients and doesn't hesitate to leave the room to himself.

Now was the waiting game, Y/n was already exhausted and too weak to try today after having nothing to eat or drink as his head starts to grow tired.

A sign for Y/n as the possibility for now being nighttime wasn't small.

With a small yawn, Y/n decides to hit the hay in the uncomfortable position he was in his chair and find a way to escape tomorrow morning.




...How am I supposed to use the bathroom?


...How was I able to use the bathroom for the past few days?

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2022 ⏰

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